what are the rules for how == converts types?
1. Comparing numbers and strings will always convert the strings to numbers.
number类型与string类型比较,string会转换为number类型。如:2=="2" true
2. null and undefined will always equal each other.
null类型与undefined类型比较始终相等。如:var a = null,b; 则 a==b 为true。
3. Comparing booleans to any other type will always cause the booleans to be converted to numbers.
布尔类型与其他任何类型进行比较,布尔类型将会转换为number类型。如:var a = 0, b = false;则a==b为true
4. Comparing numbers or strings to objects will always cause the numbers or strings to be converted to objects.
number类型或者string类型与object类型进行比较,number或者string类型都会转换为object类型。如:var a = 0, b = {};则a==b为false
The rules for converting other types to booleans are actually relatively straightforward:
1. undefined and null are always false.
2. Booleans are just treated as booleans (obviously).
3. Numbers are false if they equal 0 or NaN; otherwise, they’re true.
4. Strings are true, except for the empty string "", which is false.
5. Objects are always true.