1 package org.apache.hadoop.classification; 2 3 import java.lang.annotation.Documented; 4 5 /** 6 * Annotation to inform users of how much to rely on a particular package, 7 * class or method not changing over time. 8 */ 9 //说明被他们注解的类型的稳定性 10 @InterfaceAudience.Public 11 @InterfaceStability.Evolving 12 public class InterfaceStability { 13 /** 14 * Can evolve while retaining compatibility for minor release boundaries.; 15 * can break compatibility only at major release (ie. at m.0). 16 */ 17 @Documented 18 public @interface Stable {}; 19 //主版本是稳定的,不同主版本间可能不兼容 20 /** 21 * Evolving, but can break compatibility at minor release (i.e. m.x) 22 */ 23 @Documented 24 public @interface Evolving {}; 25 //不断变化,不同次版本间可能不兼容 26 /** 27 * No guarantee is provided as to reliability or stability across any 28 * level of release granularity. 29 */ 30 @Documented 31 public @interface Unstable {}; 32 //没有任何可靠性和健壮性保证 33 }