$(document).ready(function() { /* * this function will make the carousel scroll auto-matically. * it is no different than the scrollRight click function * aside from missing a binding to a click function. */ function autoCarousel() { //outerWidth(true) 方法返回元素的宽度(包括内边距、边框和外边距),li的宽度设置的160px,itemWidth返回170px; var itemWidth = $('#carouselUL li').outerWidth() + 10; //left设置的-340px; 返回的moveFactor为-510px; var moveFactor = parseInt($('#carouselUL').css('left')) - itemWidth; /* animate the carousel */ /* $(selector).animate({params},speed,callback); -必需的 params 参数定义形成动画的 CSS 属性,可选的 speed 参数规定效果的时长; */ $('#carouselUL').animate( {'left' : moveFactor}, 'slow', 'linear', function(){ /* put the first item after the last item */ //:first,:last 是JQuery的选择器; //将第一个li放到最后一个li的后边; $("#carouselUL li:last").after($("#carouselUL li:first")); /* reset left position */ $('#carouselUL').css({'left' : '-340px'}); }); }; /* make the carousel scroll automatically when the page loads */ var moveCarousel = setInterval(autoCarousel, 2000); /* set original thumbnail opacity */ $('.carThumb, #scrollLeft, #scrollRight').css({opacity: 0.5}); /* set up a hover function to animate the opacity and stop the auto-scroll*/ //hover(定义了两个函数,用","号分隔),而且用的不是mouse相关函数 $('.carThumb, #scrollLeft, #scrollRight').hover(function() { //stop(stopAll,goToEnd) 方法用于停止动画或效果,在它们完成之前 $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: 1 }, 75); // end mousein clearInterval(moveCarousel); //pause the auto-scroll on mouse over }, function() { $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: 0.5 }, 250); // end mouseout moveCarousel = setInterval(autoCarousel, 2000); // resume scroll on mouse out }); /* click funtion for right scroll */ $('#scrollRight').click(function(){ /* calculate how far to move the carousel */ var itemWidth = $('#carouselUL li').outerWidth() + 10; var moveFactor = parseInt($('#carouselUL').css('left')) - itemWidth; /* animate the carousel */ $('#carouselUL').animate( {'left' : moveFactor}, 'slow', 'linear', function(){ /* put the first item after the last item */ $("#carouselUL li:last").after($("#carouselUL li:first")); /* reset left position */ $('#carouselUL').css({'left' : '-340px'}); }); }); /* click for left scroll */ $('#scrollLeft').click(function(){ /* calculate movement to the left */ var itemWidth = $('#carouselUL li').outerWidth() + 10; var moveFactor = parseInt($('#carouselUL').css('left')) + itemWidth; /* animate the carousel */ $('#carouselUL').animate( {'left' : moveFactor}, 'slow', 'linear', function(){ /* put the last item before the first */ /* before,after,在被选元素之前、之后插入内容;这里相当于修改了DOM结构; */ $("#carouselUL li:first").before($("#carouselUL li:last")); /* reset the left position */ $('#carouselUL').css({'left' : '-340px'}); }); }); /* click function to load larger pictures */ $('.carThumb').click( function() { /* get the source from our image tag */ var photoInfo = $(this).attr("src"); /* split the source by the '/' */ var photoPathArr = photoInfo.split('/'); /* the path is the first portion of the array plus a forward slash */ var photoPath = photoPathArr[0]+'/'; /* get an array with the photo name in it */ var photoInfoArr = photoInfo.split('_'); /* now put it back together for using in the photo container */ var photoImgTag = '<img src="'+photoPath+photoInfoArr[1]+'" id="currentPhoto" />'; /* get the name of the modal window */ var modalID = $(this).attr('rel'); /* add the tag to the modal window */ //html() - 设置或返回所选元素的内容(包括 HTML 标记) $('#' + modalID).html(photoImgTag); /* fade in the modal window and add a close button to it */ //fadeIn的对象一般都有这个属性-display:none $('#' + modalID).fadeIn().delay(1000).append('<div class="photoNote"><a href="#" class="closePhoto"><img src="grfx/photoClose.jpg" class="closeX" title="Close Photo" alt="Close" /></a></div>'); /* set the height of the image to the height of the body -200 pixels to allow for margin */ var bodyHeight = $('body').height(); //设置单个CSS属性 $('#currentPhoto').css('height', (bodyHeight - 200)); /* * define the margins so that the modal is centered properly on the screen * we add 40px to the height/width to accomodate for the padding and border * width defined by the image */ var modalMarginTop = ($('#' + modalID).height() + 40) / 2; var modalMarginLeft = ($('#' + modalID).width() + 40) / 2; /* apply the margins to the modal window */ $('#' + modalID).css({ 'margin-top' : -modalMarginTop, 'margin-left' : -modalMarginLeft }); /* fade in the shade */ $('body').append('<div id="carouselShade"></div>'); // add the shade layer to bottom of the body $('#carouselShade').css('opacity', 0.7).fadeIn(); // set the opacity with jQuery to avoid all of the nasty CSS needed for IE return false; // keep the link from acting naturally }); /* * close the modal and pull down the shade */ $('a.closePhoto, #carouselShade').live('click', function() { // clicking on the close or shade layer var thisModalID = $('a.closePhoto').parent().parent().attr('id'); $('.photoNote, #carouselShade, #'+thisModalID).fadeOut(function() { //总结:#id,.class,对象间使用","分隔,也可以是一种层次路径 $('.photoNote, a.closePhoto, #carouselShade, #currentPhoto').remove(); // remove the shade and the close button }); return false; }); });