yii 使用cactiveform 创建表单时候遇到的一些验证问题和使用ajax_form时重置验证规则的解决办法
$options=CJavaScript::encode($options); $cs->registerCoreScript('yiiactiveform'); $id=$this->id; $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__.'#'.$id,"jQuery('#$id').yiiactiveform($options);");这就是根据模型中的规则来添加js验证
if($model instanceof CActiveRecord && !$model->isNewRecord) $option['status']=1;这段代码的意思就是 model必须继承CActiveRecord,但是追重要的是isNewRecord (我就是通过这个status从js追到php的), 然后在继续,到这里瞬间明白了,去看同事的代码,得出以下
Object::model(); isNewRecord = false new Object(); isNewRecord = true
/** * list of attributes to be validated. Each array element is of the following structure: * { * id: 'ModelClass_attribute', // the unique attribute ID * model: 'ModelClass', // the model class name * name: 'name', // attribute name * inputID: 'input-tag-id', * errorID: 'error-tag-id', * value: undefined, * status: 0, // 0: empty, not entered before, 1: validated, 2: pending validation, 3: validating * validationDelay: 200, * validateOnChange: true, * validateOnType: false, * hideErrorMessage: false, * inputContainer: undefined, * errorCssClass: 'error', * successCssClass: 'success', * validatingCssClass: 'validating', * enableAjaxValidation: true, * enableClientValidation: true, * clientValidation: undefined, // function (value, messages, attribute) | client-side validation * beforeValidateAttribute: undefined, // function (form, attribute) | boolean * afterValidateAttribute: undefined, // function (form, attribute, data, hasError) * } */
<?php $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array( 'id' => 'addressForm', 'enableClientValidation' => true, //是否启用客户端验证 'clientOptions' => array( 'validateOnSubmit' => true, //提交时验证 'afterValidate' => 'js:function(form,data,hasError){ if(!hasError){ $.ajax({ "type":"POST", "url":url, "data":$("#addressForm").serialize(), "success":function(data){ var res = eval("("+data+")"); if("success"==res.code){ if(res.addressId>0){ $("#addressId").val(res.addressId); } $("#address_info").prepend(res.html); clearAddr(); }else{ clearAddr(); } }, }); } }' ), )); ?>
$form.bind('reset', function () { /* * because we bind directly to a form reset event, not to a reset button (that could or could not exist), * when this function is executed form elements values have not been reset yet, * because of that we use the setTimeout */ setTimeout(function () { $.each(settings.attributes, function () { this.status = 0; var $error = $form.find('#' + this.errorID), $container = $.fn.yiiactiveform.getInputContainer(this, $form); $container.removeClass( this.validatingCssClass + ' ' + this.errorCssClass + ' ' + this.successCssClass ); $error.html('').hide(); /* * without the setTimeout() we would get here the current entered value before the reset instead of the reseted value */ this.value = getAFValue($form.find('#' + this.inputID)); }); /* * If the form is submited (non ajax) with errors, labels and input gets the class 'error' */ $form.find('label, :input').each(function () { $(this).removeClass(settings.errorCss); }); $('#' + settings.summaryID).hide().find('ul').html(''); //.. set to initial focus on reset if (settings.focus !== undefined && !window.location.hash) { $form.find(settings.focus).focus(); } }, 1); });原来yii 已经给我们实现了, 它已经绑定好reset事件了, 所以 我们只需要恰当的执行
所有的工作yii 就都给我们处理了!