<HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>JS打造抖动的按钮特效(鼠标放上去开始抖动)_石家庄水泵厂|草坪销售</TITLE> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=#fef4d9><BR><BR> <CENTER>鼠标抖动的按钮</span> </CENTER><BR> <CENTER> <TABLE borderColor=#FFCC00 border=5 borderlight="green"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD align=left> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> <!-- Begin pos = 15; TO = null; function shake_funct2(object,speed) { obj = eval(object) txt = clear_space(obj.value); if (pos == 15) { txt = txt + " "; pos = -15; } else { txt = " " + txt; pos = 15; } obj.value = txt; obj.style.width = parseInt(obj.style.width) + pos; obj = object sp = speed TO = setTimeout("shake_funct2(obj,sp)",speed); } function clear_space(text) { while (text.substring(0,1) == " ") { text = text.substring(1,text.length); } while(text.substring(text.length-1,text.length) == " ") { text = text.substring(0,text.length-1); } return text; } function end_shake_funct2(object) { clearTimeout(TO); obj = eval(object); txt = clear_space(obj.value); obj.value = txt; //alert(pos); if (pos == -15) { obj.style.width = parseInt(obj.style.width) +15; } pos = 15 } // End --> </SCRIPT> <FORM name=myform2> <TABLE border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD>一般抖动的按钮</TD> <TD align=middle width=160><INPUT onmouseover=shake_funct2(this,100) style="FONT-SIZE: 12px; WIDTH: 150px" onmouseout=end_shake_funct2(this) type=button value="一般速度"> </TD></TR> <TR> <TD>快速抖动的按钮</TD> <TD align=middle width=160><INPUT onmouseover=shake_funct2(this,50) style="FONT-SIZE: 12px; WIDTH: 150px" onmouseout=end_shake_funct2(this) type=button value="更快速度"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER> <br> </BODY> </HTML>