<?php include_once 'stuService.class.php'; session_start(); $name = $_SESSION['student_name']; if($name == "") { header("Location: stu_login.php?error=1"); exit(); } $pagesize = 20; $pagenow = 1; $pagecount = 0; $service = new stuservice(); $pagecount = $service->getpagecount($pagesize); if(!empty($_GET['pagenow'])) { $pagenow=$_GET['pagenow']; } $stulist = $service->getstulist($pagesize, $pagenow); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>学生成绩管理系统</title> </head> <body background="pic/bg.gif"> <form action="studentlist.php" method="get"> <table width="767" height="644" border="0" align="center"> <tr> <td height="228" colspan="5" background="pic/top.gif" /> </tr> <tr> <td height="22" colspan="5" background="pic/in_01.gif" /> </tr> <tr> <td height="28" background="pic/in_20.gif" /> <td background="pic/in_20.gif">学生ID号</td> <td background="pic/in_20.gif">学生姓名</td> <td background="pic/in_20.gif">学生密码</td> <td background="pic/in_20.gif"></td> </tr> <?php for($i = 0; $i < count($stulist); ++$i) { $row=$stulist[$i]; //取出第i行数据,显示出来 $passwd = md5($row['stu_password']); //学生进来不能看到密码 ?> <tr> <td background="pic/in_20.gif"></td> <td background="pic/in_20.gif"><?php echo stripslashes($row['stu_id']);?></td> <td background="pic/in_20.gif"><?php echo stripslashes($row['stu_name']);?></td> <td background="pic/in_20.gif"><?php echo stripslashes($passwd); ?></td> <td background="pic/in_20.gif"></td> </tr> <?php } echo "<tr>"; echo "<td background='pic/in_20.gif' />"; echo "<td background='pic/in_20.gif'>"; //显示上一页和下一页 if($pagenow > 1) { $prePage=$pagenow - 1; echo "<a href='studentlist.php?pagenow=$prePage'>上一页</a> "; echo "<a href='studentlist.php?pagenow=$prePage'>《《</a> "; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td background='pic/in_20.gif'>"; //中间打印10页选择 for($i=$pagenow; $i < $pagenow+10; ++$i) { if($i <= $pagecount) { echo "<a href='studentlist.php?pagenow=$i'>$i</a> "; } } echo "</td>"; echo "<td background='pic/in_20.gif'>"; //下一页 if($pagenow < $pagecount) { $nextPage=$pagenow+1; echo "<a href='studentlist.php?pagenow=$nextPage'>》》</a> "; echo "<a href='studentlist.php?pagenow=$nextPage'>下一页</a> "; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td background='pic/in_20.gif'>"; echo "当前页$pagenow/共{$pagecount}页面"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; ?> <tr> <td background="pic/in_20.gif"></td> <td background='pic/in_20.gif'> 跳转到:<input type="text" name="pagenow" /></td> <td background='pic/in_20.gif'><input type="submit" value="GO" /></td> <td background="pic/in_20.gif"></td> <td background="pic/in_20.gif"></td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html>
<?php //这个是对数据库中表student的操作 include_once 'mysql.class.php'; include_once 'student.class.php'; include_once 'confing.php'; class stuservice { //根据用户名和密码,查看个数 public function checkstunum($name, $password) { $mysql = new mysql(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); $num=0; $sql = "select count(*) from student where stu_name = '".$name."' and stu_password = '".$password."'"; //执行命令 $res = $mysql->execute_dql($sql); $row=mysqli_fetch_row($res); if($row) { $num=$row[0]; } mysqli_free_result($res); $mysql->close_connect(); return $num; } //根据每页的大小,和当前的页面查询出所有的学生 public function getstulist($pagesize,$pagenow) { $mysql = new mysql(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); $sql="select * from student limit ".($pagenow-1)*$pagesize.",$pagesize"; $res=$mysql->execute_dql($sql); $arr=array(); $i=0; while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) { $arr[$i++]=$row; } mysqli_free_result($res); $mysql->close_connect(); return $arr; } //得到总页数 public function getpagecount($pagesize) { $mysql = new mysql(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); $sql="select count(stu_id) from student"; $res=$mysql->execute_dql($sql); $i=0; $row = mysqli_fetch_row($res); if($row) { $rowcount=$row[0]; } $pagecount=ceil($rowcount/$pagesize); //返回不小于 value 的下一个整数,value 如果有小数部分则进一位。 mysqli_free_result($res); $mysql->close_connect(); return $pagecount; } //根据学生姓名得到相应数据 public function getstu($name) { $stu = new student(); $mysql = new mysql(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); $sql="select * from student where stu_name='".$name."'"; $res=$mysql->execute_dql($sql); if($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) { $stu->setStu_id($row['stu_id']); $stu->setStu_name($row['stu_name']); $stu->setStu_password($row['stu_password']); } mysqli_free_result($res); $mysql->close_connect(); return $stu; } //根据id号获取user public function getstubyid($id) { $stu = new student(); $mysql = new mysql(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); $sql="select * from student where stu_id='".$id."'"; $res=$mysql->execute_dql($sql); if($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) { $stu->setStu_id($row['stu_id']); $stu->setStu_name($row['stu_name']); $stu->setStu_password($row['stu_password']); } mysqli_free_result($res); $mysql->close_connect(); return $stu; } //根据得到的对象修改数据库中的值 public function update(student $stu) { $mysql = new mysql(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); $sql="update student set stu_name='".$stu->getStu_name()."',stu_password='".$stu->getStu_password()."' where stu_id=".$stu->getStu_id(); $b = $mysql->execute_dml($sql); // if($b == 1) // { // return true; // } return $b; } //删除用户 public function delete(student $stu) { $mysql = new mysql(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); $sql = "delete from student where stu_id=".$stu->getStu_id().";"; $b = $mysql->execute_dml($sql); return $b; } } ?>
<?php // include_once 'confing.php'; class mysql extends mysqli { // public $link; // public $db_host = DB_HOST; // public $db_user = DB_USER; // public $db_password = DB_PASSWORD; // public $db_name = DB_NAME; public function __construct($host, $user, $pass, $db) { parent::__construct($host, $user, $pass, $db); if (mysqli_connect_error()) { die('Connect Error (' . mysqli_connect_errno() . ') ' . mysqli_connect_error()); } // $this->link = new mysqli($this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_password, $this->db_name); // if(!$this->link){ // die("连接失败".mysql_error()); // } //mysql_select_db($this->dbname,$this->link); } //执行SQL语句得到结果集,查询语句 public function execute_dql($sql) { $res = $this->query($sql) or die(mysqli_error($this)); return $res; } //执行SQLdml语句插入,更新,删除 public function execute_dml($sql) { $b = $this->query($sql) or die(mysqli_error($this)); if(!$b) { return 0; } else { if($this->affected_rows > 0) //如果收影响的行数大于0 { return 1; //OK了 } else { return 2; //没有行收到影响 } } } //关闭连接 public function close_connect() { if(!empty($this)) $this->close(); } } ?>
<?php class student { private $stu_id; private $stu_name; private $stu_password; /** * @return the $stu_id */ public function getStu_id() { return $this->stu_id; } /** * @return the $stu_name */ public function getStu_name() { return $this->stu_name; } /** * @return the $stu_password */ public function getStu_password() { return $this->stu_password; } /** * @param field_type $stu_id */ public function setStu_id($stu_id) { $this->stu_id = $stu_id; } /** * @param field_type $stu_name */ public function setStu_name($stu_name) { $this->stu_name = $stu_name; } /** * @param field_type $stu_password */ public function setStu_password($stu_password) { $this->stu_password = $stu_password; } } ?>
<?php //用define定义常量 //连接服务器 define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); //连接数据库的账号 define('DB_USER', 'root'); //连接数据库的密码 define('DB_PASSWORD', 'xiaofeng2015'); //连接数据库的名字 define('DB_NAME', 'studentmanage'); // ?>