HDU 2830 Matrix Swapping II (DP,最大全1矩阵)
题意 给你一个n*m矩阵 每列都可以随便交换位置 求最优交换后最大的全1子矩阵
又是HDU 1505 1506的变种 但这个更容易了 因为每列都可以交换位置了 那么这一行中所有比i高的都可以与i相邻了 只需要统计这一行有多少个比i高就行了 可以在算出每一行后 把高度大的放前面去 用num[i]记录排序后的列原来的数 这样就有j列比h[i][num[j]]高了 最后的答案也就是max(j*h[i][num[j]])
#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int N = 1005; char mat[N][N]; int num[N], h[N][N], n, m, i; bool cmp (int a, int b) { return h[i][a] > h[i][b]; }//cmp不能有= int main() { while (~scanf ("%d%d", &n, &m)) { int ans = 0; memset (h, 0, sizeof (h)); for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) scanf ("%s", mat[i] + 1); for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { for (int j = 1; j <= m; ++j) { if (mat[i][j] == '1') h[i][j] = h[i - 1][j] + 1; num[j] = j; } sort (num + 1, num + m + 1, cmp); for (int j = 1; j <= m; ++j) ans = max (ans, j * h[i][num[j]]); } printf ("%d\n", ans); } return 0; }
Matrix Swapping II
We can swap any two columns any times, and we are to make the goodness of the matrix as large as possible.
3 4 1011 1001 0001 3 4 1010 1001 0001
4 2 Note: Huge Input, scanf() is recommended.