如同文件缓存一样,内存缓存涉及的接口也有两个:MemoryCacheAware 和MemoryCache,其中MemoryCache只是简单的继承了MemoryCacheAware并没有声明其他的方法。MemoryCacheAware接口的方法如下:
@Deprecated public interface MemoryCacheAware<K, V> { /** *根据key值把value放入缓存 * @return 如果放入缓存成功的话就返回true,反之返回false */ boolean put(K key, V value); /**根据key从缓存中获取数据,没有相关数据则返回null*/ V get(K key); /** 根据key从缓存中删除数据*/ void remove(K key); /** 返回缓存中所有的key */ Collection<K> keys(); /** 清空缓存*/ void clear(); }
private final Map<String, Reference<Bitmap>> softMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, Reference<Bitmap>>());
其中softMap的value字段就是保存了Bimmap的引用类型,由于Reference又分为强引用,弱引用,软引用以及虚引用,所以该该类另外还提供了一个抽象方法createReference(Bitmap value)让子类重写,根据不同的要求来返回不同的应用类型。该抽象方法是将Bitmap转换成一个Reference,在调用BaseMemoryCache的put方法时调用。
/**根据value创建一个弱引用对象,该类为抽象类,供子类实现 */ protected abstract Reference<Bitmap> createReference(Bitmap value); @Override public boolean put(String key, Bitmap value) { softMap.put(key, createReference(value)); return true; }
该类为抽象类,继承了BaseMemoryChache;对缓存进行了两个限制:1) 限制每一个缓存图片的最大值:用sizeLimit来作为标致,对大于sizeLimit大小的bitmap对象,调用父类的put方法保存bitmap的弱引用。否则在保存弱引用的同时,把Bitmap对象的强引用用类型为LinkedList变量hardCache缓存起来,
2) 同样用sizeLimit来限制整个缓存的大小。对是否超出缓存大小的限制在put方法被调用的时候会做判断,如果缓存大小超出限制就从LinkedList中删除对应的bitmap对象,具体的删除策略有该类的抽象方法remoeNext()提供,具体的在子父类中实现(比如有的是删除最大的那个bitMap,以及根据FIFO算法删除等等),这是典型的模板方法模式的应用。具体的模板方法为romoveNext()和getSize()由相应的子类实现。
private final List<Bitmap> hardCache = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<Bitmap>());<span style="color:#0000C0;">//hardCache</span><span style="color:#0000C0;">只是在此类中只是用来对缓存是否超过</span><span style="color:#0000C0;">sizeLimit</span><span style="color:#0000C0;">做判断。</span> //bitMap放入缓存 @Override public boolean put(String key, Bitmap value) { boolean putSuccessfully = false; // Try to add value to hard cache //getSize方法为抽象方法,由子类实现 int valueSize = getSize(value); int sizeLimit = this.sizeLimit; int curCacheSize = cacheSize.get(); //当bitmap的大小小于sizeLimit的大小时 if (valueSize < sizeLimit) { //对缓存进行删除操作,使之不超过siezeLimit的限制,。我们 while (curCacheSize + valueSize > sizeLimit) { Bitmap removedValue = removeNext();//removeNext()为抽象方法,由不同的子类提供不同的删除策略 if (hardCache.remove(removedValue)) { curCacheSize = cacheSize.addAndGet(-getSize(removedValue)); } } //放入缓存 hardCache.add(value); //设置缓存大小 cacheSize.addAndGet(valueSize); putSuccessfully = true; } //获取bitMap的大小 protected abstract int getSize(Bitmap value); //模板方法,由相应的子类来实现具体的删除策略 protected abstract Bitmap removeNext();
实现的原理: 该类添加了一个map变量,该map的key用来保存bitMap对象,而对应的value则保存bitmap的大小。
private final Map<Bitmap, Integer> valueSizes = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Bitmap, Integer>());
/** * 循环遍历valueSizes,并获取最大的那个bitmap,并且从map中删除之 返回的Bimmap对象交给父类的hardCache删除 */ @Override protected Bitmap removeNext() { Integer maxSize = null; Bitmap largestValue = null; Set<Entry<Bitmap, Integer>> entries = valueSizes.entrySet(); synchronized (valueSizes) { for (Entry<Bitmap, Integer> entry : entries) { if (largestValue == null) { largestValue = entry.getKey(); maxSize = entry.getValue(); } else { Integer size = entry.getValue(); if (size > maxSize) { maxSize = size; largestValue = entry.getKey(); } } } } //执行删除稻作 valueSizes.remove(largestValue); return largestValue; } //获取getSize的方法 @Override protected int getSize(Bitmap value) { return value.getRowBytes() * value.getHeight(); } @Override protected Reference<Bitmap> createReference(Bitmap value) { return new WeakReference<Bitmap>(value); }
<span style="font-size:12px;">@Override public boolean put(String key, Bitmap value) { if (super.put(key, value)) {//如果父类的方法为空,说明缓存的大小没有超出限制 valueSizes.put(value, getSize(value)); return true; } else {//缓存的大小超出限制 return false; } }</span>
FIFOLimitedMemoryCache :
private final List<Bitmap> queue = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<Bitmap>());
@Override protected Bitmap removeNext() { return queue.remove(0); } @Override protected Reference<Bitmap> createReference(Bitmap value) { return new WeakReference<Bitmap>(value); } @Override protected int getSize(Bitmap value) { return value.getRowBytes() * value.getHeight(); }删除操作执行时机:调用父类put方法是执行
@Override public boolean put(String key, Bitmap value) { if (super.put(key, value)) {//如果缓存没有超出范围 queue.add(value);//把bitmap放入队列 return true; } else {//缓存超出范围 return false; } }
/** Cache providing Least-Recently-Used logic */ private final Map<String, Bitmap> lruCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, Bitmap>(INITIAL_CAPACITY, LOAD_FACTOR, true));具体的removeNext()方法实现:
@Override protected Bitmap removeNext() { return queue.remove(0); } @Override protected Reference<Bitmap> createReference(Bitmap value) { return new WeakReference<Bitmap>(value); } @Override protected int getSize(Bitmap value) { return value.getRowBytes() * value.getHeight(); }
@Override public boolean put(String key, Bitmap value) { if (super.put(key, value)) {//如果缓存没有超出范围 queue.add(value);//把bitmap放入队列 return true; } else {//缓存超出范围 return false; } }
private final Map<Bitmap, Integer> usingCounts = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Bitmap, Integer>());当调用get(string key)方法获取bitmap的时候,该bitmap的使用次数进行+1操作
@Override public Bitmap get(String key) { Bitmap value = super.get(key); // Increment usage count for value if value is contained in hardCahe if (value != null) { Integer usageCount = usingCounts.get(value); if (usageCount != null) { //使用次数+1 usingCounts.put(value, usageCount + 1); } } return value; }
@Override protected int getSize(Bitmap value) { return value.getRowBytes() * value.getHeight(); } @Override protected Bitmap removeNext() { Integer minUsageCount = null; Bitmap leastUsedValue = null; Set<Entry<Bitmap, Integer>> entries = usingCounts.entrySet(); synchronized (usingCounts) { for (Entry<Bitmap, Integer> entry : entries) { if (leastUsedValue == null) { leastUsedValue = entry.getKey(); minUsageCount = entry.getValue(); } else { Integer lastValueUsage = entry.getValue(); if (lastValueUsage < minUsageCount) { minUsageCount = lastValueUsage; leastUsedValue = entry.getKey(); } } } } usingCounts.remove(leastUsedValue); return leastUsedValue; } @Override protected Reference<Bitmap> createReference(Bitmap value) { return new WeakReference<Bitmap>(value); }
@Override public boolean put(String key, Bitmap value) { if (super.put(key, value)) { usingCounts.put(value, 0); return true; } else { return false; } }
对超出时间限制的缓存对象进行删除,该类的实现毕竟简单,具体代码如下:public class LimitedAgeMemoryCache implements MemoryCache { private final MemoryCache cache; private final long maxAge; private final Map<String, Long> loadingDates = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, Long>()); /** * @param cache Wrapped memory cache * @param maxAge Max object age <b>(in seconds)</b>. If object age will exceed this value then it'll be removed from * cache on next treatment (and therefore be reloaded). */ public LimitedAgeMemoryCache(MemoryCache cache, long maxAge) { this.cache = cache; this.maxAge = maxAge * 1000; // to milliseconds } @Override public boolean put(String key, Bitmap value) { boolean putSuccesfully = cache.put(key, value); if (putSuccesfully) { loadingDates.put(key, System.currentTimeMillis()); } return putSuccesfully; } @Override public Bitmap get(String key) { Long loadingDate = loadingDates.get(key); //判断是否超时 if (loadingDate != null && System.currentTimeMillis() - loadingDate > maxAge) { cache.remove(key); loadingDates.remove(key); } return cache.get(key); } @Override public void remove(String key) { cache.remove(key); loadingDates.remove(key); } @Override public Collection<String> keys() { return cache.keys(); } @Override public void clear() { cache.clear(); loadingDates.clear(); } }
@Override public boolean put(String key, Bitmap value) { // Search equal key and remove this entry synchronized (cache) { String keyToRemove = null; for (String cacheKey : cache.keys()) { //判断缓存中对应的key是否存在,存在就删除 if (, cacheKey) == 0) { keyToRemove = cacheKey; break; } } if (keyToRemove != null) { cache.remove(keyToRemove); } } return cache.put(key, value); }
@Override public final boolean put(String key, Bitmap value) { synchronized (this) { size += sizeOf(key, value); Bitmap previous = map.put(key, value); if (previous != null) { size -= sizeOf(key, previous); } } //缓存瘦身,把最近最久未使用的bitMap删除 trimToSize(maxSize); return true; } private void trimToSize(int maxSize) { while (true) { String key; Bitmap value; synchronized (this) { Map.Entry<String, Bitmap> toEvict = map.entrySet().iterator().next(); if (toEvict == null) { break; } key = toEvict.getKey(); value = toEvict.getValue(); map.remove(key); size -= sizeOf(key, value); } } }