public class AlertDialog extends Dialog implements DialogInterface { // Controller, 接受Builder成员变量P中的各个参数 private AlertController mAlert; // 构造函数 protected AlertDialog(Context context, int theme) { this(context, theme, true); } // 4 : 构造AlertDialog AlertDialog(Context context, int theme, boolean createContextWrapper) { super(context, resolveDialogTheme(context, theme), createContextWrapper); mWindow.alwaysReadCloseOnTouchAttr(); mAlert = new AlertController(getContext(), this, getWindow()); } // 实际上调用的是mAlert的setTitle方法 @Override public void setTitle(CharSequence title) { super.setTitle(title); mAlert.setTitle(title); } // 实际上调用的是mAlert的setCustomTitle方法 public void setCustomTitle(View customTitleView) { mAlert.setCustomTitle(customTitleView); } public void setMessage(CharSequence message) { mAlert.setMessage(message); } // AlertDialog其他的代码省略 // ************ Builder为AlertDialog的内部类 ******************* public static class Builder { // 1 :该类用来存储AlertDialog的各个参数, 例如title, message, icon等. private final AlertController.AlertParams P; /** * Constructor using a context for this builder and the {@link AlertDialog} it creates. */ public Builder(Context context) { this(context, resolveDialogTheme(context, 0)); } public Builder(Context context, int theme) { P = new AlertController.AlertParams(new ContextThemeWrapper( context, resolveDialogTheme(context, theme))); mTheme = theme; } // 2:设置各种参数到P public Builder setTitle(CharSequence title) { P.mTitle = title; return this; } public Builder setMessage(CharSequence message) { P.mMessage = message; return this; } public Builder setIcon(int iconId) { P.mIconId = iconId; return this; } public Builder setPositiveButton(CharSequence text, final OnClickListener listener) { P.mPositiveButtonText = text; P.mPositiveButtonListener = listener; return this; } public Builder setView(View view) { P.mView = view; P.mViewSpacingSpecified = false; return this; } // 3 : 构建AlertDialog, 传递参数 public AlertDialog create() { // 调用new AlertDialog构造对象, 并且将参数传递个体AlertDialog final AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog(P.mContext, mTheme, false); // 5 : 将P中的参数应用的dialog中的mAlert对象中 //这一步是核心方法我们等下看源码继续讲 P.apply(dialog.mAlert); dialog.setCancelable(P.mCancelable); if (P.mCancelable) { dialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(true); } dialog.setOnCancelListener(P.mOnCancelListener); if (P.mOnKeyListener != null) { dialog.setOnKeyListener(P.mOnKeyListener); } return dialog; } public AlertDialog show() { //6:显示dialog AlertDialog dialog = create();; return dialog; } } }从上面的源码中我们可以看到,对话框的构建是通过Builder来设置AlertDialog中的title, message, button等参数, 这些参数都存储在类型为AlertController.AlertParams的成员变量P中,AlertController.AlertParams中包含了与之对应的成员变量。在调用Builder类的create函数时才创建AlertDialog, 并且将Builder成员变量P中保存的参数应用到AlertDialog的mAlert对象中,最后调用dialog.show方法显示对话框。
现在我们再来看看即P.apply(dialog.mAlert)代码段。我们看看apply函数的实现 。
public void apply(AlertController dialog) { if (mCustomTitleView != null) { dialog.setCustomTitle(mCustomTitleView); } else { if (mTitle != null) { dialog.setTitle(mTitle); } if (mIcon != null) { dialog.setIcon(mIcon); } if (mIconId >= 0) { dialog.setIcon(mIconId); } if (mIconAttrId > 0) { dialog.setIcon(dialog.getIconAttributeResId(mIconAttrId)); } } if (mMessage != null) { dialog.setMessage(mMessage); } if (mPositiveButtonText != null) { dialog.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE, mPositiveButtonText, mPositiveButtonListener, null); } if (mNegativeButtonText != null) { dialog.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE, mNegativeButtonText, mNegativeButtonListener, null); } if (mNeutralButtonText != null) { dialog.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEUTRAL, mNeutralButtonText, mNeutralButtonListener, null); } if (mForceInverseBackground) { dialog.setInverseBackgroundForced(true); } // For a list, the client can either supply an array of items or an // adapter or a cursor if ((mItems != null) || (mCursor != null) || (mAdapter != null)) { createListView(dialog); } if (mView != null) { if (mViewSpacingSpecified) { dialog.setView(mView, mViewSpacingLeft, mViewSpacingTop, mViewSpacingRight, mViewSpacingBottom); } else { dialog.setView(mView); } } }实际上就是把P中的参数挨个的设置到AlertController中, 也就是AlertDialog中的mAlert对象。从AlertDialog的各个setter方法中我们也可以看到,实际上也都是调用了mAlert对应的setter方法。
综上看完上面源码之后我们就可以发现,怪不得我们平时调用对话框的时候可以直接使用,AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog(P.mContext, mTheme, false);不用Alert.Builder方法创建也可以,因为其本质是一样的,Builder只是把组件的生产过程化成一步步实行而已。