var f:array[1..70000,1..16]of longint; rec:array[1..70000]of record step,pre,ni,pi:longint; end; goal:array[1..16]of longint; al:array[1..70000]of record ni,pi:longint; end; bo:array[0..65536]of boolean; head,tail,i,j,ans,num,x,x1,y1,x2,y2,t:longint; c:char; procedure check; var k:longint; b:boolean; begin b:=true; for k:=1 to 16 do if f[tail,k]<>goal[k] then b:=false; if b then begin ans:=rec[tail].step; writeln(ans); while tail<>1 do begin inc(num); al[num].ni:=rec[tail].ni; al[num].pi:=rec[tail].pi; tail:=rec[tail].pre; end; for k:=num downto 1 do begin x1:=(al[k].pi-1) mod 4 +1; y1:=(al[k].pi-1) div 4 +1; x2:=(al[k].ni-1) mod 4 +1; y2:=(al[k].ni-1) div 4 +1; if y1>y2 then begin t:=y1; y1:=y2; y2:=t; t:=x1; x1:=x2; x2:=t; end; if (y1=y2)and(x1>x2) then begin t:=y1; y1:=y2; y2:=t; t:=x1; x1:=x2; x2:=t; end; writeln(y1,x1,y2,x2); end; close(input); close(output); halt; end; end; procedure doit; begin head:=0; tail:=1; x:=f[tail,1]; for j:=2 to 16 do x:=x*2+f[tail,j]; if bo[x] then dec(tail) else bo[x]:=true; repeat inc(head); for i:=1 to 16 do begin if (i+4<=16)and(f[head,i+4]<>f[head,i]) then begin inc(tail); for j:=1 to 16 do f[tail,j]:=f[head,j]; f[tail,i]:=1-f[tail,i]; f[tail,i+4]:=1-f[tail,i+4];; rec[tail].ni:=i+4; rec[tail].pi:=i; rec[tail].step:=rec[head].step+1; rec[tail].pre:=head; x:=f[tail,1]; for j:=2 to 16 do x:=x*2+f[tail,j]; if bo[x] then dec(tail) else bo[x]:=true; check; end; if (i-4>0)and(f[head,i-4]<>f[head,i]) then begin inc(tail); for j:=1 to 16 do f[tail,j]:=f[head,j]; f[tail,i]:=1-f[tail,i]; f[tail,i-4]:=1-f[tail,i-4]; rec[tail].ni:=i-4; rec[tail].pi:=i; rec[tail].step:=rec[head].step+1; rec[tail].pre:=head; x:=f[tail,1]; for j:=2 to 16 do x:=x*2+f[tail,j]; if bo[x] then dec(tail) else bo[x]:=true; check; end; if (i mod 4 <>1)and(f[head,i-1]<>f[head,i]) then begin inc(tail); for j:=1 to 16 do f[tail,j]:=f[head,j]; f[tail,i]:=1-f[tail,i]; f[tail,i-1]:=1-f[tail,i-1]; rec[tail].ni:=i-1; rec[tail].pi:=i; rec[tail].step:=rec[head].step+1; rec[tail].pre:=head; x:=f[tail,1]; for j:=2 to 16 do x:=x*2+f[tail,j]; if bo[x] then dec(tail) else bo[x]:=true; check; end; if (i mod 4<>0)and(f[head,i+1]<>f[head,i]) then begin inc(tail); for j:=1 to 16 do f[tail,j]:=f[head,j]; f[tail,i]:=1-f[tail,i]; f[tail,i+1]:=1-f[tail,i+1];; rec[tail].ni:=i+1; rec[tail].pi:=i; rec[tail].step:=rec[head].step+1; rec[tail].pre:=head; x:=f[tail,1]; for j:=2 to 16 do x:=x*2+f[tail,j]; if bo[x] then dec(tail) else bo[x]:=true; check; end; end; until head>tail; end; begin assign(input,‘game.in‘); assign(output,‘game.out‘); reset(input); rewrite(output); for i:=1 to 16 do begin read(c); val(c,f[1,i]); if i mod 4=0 then readln; end; for i:=1 to 16 do begin read(c); val(c,goal[i]); if i mod 4=0 then readln; end; doit; end. //做了这题才感觉搜索入门了