Easy steps to create a System Tray Application with C# z

Hiding the C# application to the system tray is quiet straight forward. With a few line of codes in C# and you can accomplish this. First you will need to create the context menu for the system tray, then after that you need to create the notify icon. The next step is just enable the system icon. Here is the sample code below.

    1 using System;

    2 using System.Collections.Generic;

    3 using System.ComponentModel;

    4 using System.Data;

    5 using System.Drawing;

    6 using System.Linq;

    7 using System.Text;

    8 using System.Windows.Forms;


   10 namespace AdsenseDisabler

   11 {

   12     public partial class Form1 : Form

   13     {

   14         private NotifyIcon  sysTrayIcon; 

   15         private ContextMenu sysTrayMenu;


   17         [STAThread]

   18         static void Main()

   19         {

   20             Application.EnableVisualStyles();

   21             Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);

   22             Application.Run(new Form1());

   23         }


   25         public Form1()

   26         {

   27             InitializeComponent();


   29             // Create a context menu for th systray. 


   31             sysTrayMenu = new ContextMenu();

   32             sysTrayMenu.MenuItems.Add("Enable Adsense", OnEnabled);

   33             sysTrayMenu.MenuItems.Add("Disable AdsenseDisabler", OnDisabled);

   34             sysTrayMenu.MenuItems.Add("Show Panel", OnShowed);

   35             sysTrayMenu.MenuItems.Add("Exit", OnExit); 


   37             // create and intialise the tray notify icon.

   38             // This example uses the standard icon but can be replaced

   39             // with your own custom icon.

   40             sysTrayIcon = new NotifyIcon();

   41             sysTrayIcon.Text = "Adsense Disabler";

   42             sysTrayIcon.Icon = new Icon(SystemIcons.Shield, 40, 40); 


   44             // Add menu to tray icon and show it. 

   45             sysTrayIcon.ContextMenu = sysTrayMenu;

   46             sysTrayIcon.Visible = true

   47         }


   49         protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) 

   50         { 

   51             Visible       = true; // Hide form window

   52             ShowInTaskbar = false; // Remove from taskbar.   


   54             base.OnLoad(e); 

   55         } 


   57         private void OnExit(object sender, EventArgs e) 

   58         { 

   59             Application.Exit(); 

   60         }


   62         private void OnEnabled(object sender, EventArgs e)

   63         {


   65         }


   67         private void OnDisabled(object sender, EventArgs e)

   68         {


   70         }


   72         private void OnShowed(object sender, EventArgs e)

   73         {


   75         }


   77     }

   78 }

Easy steps to create a System Tray Application with C# z,,5-wow.com
