iOS study Day 11-IO中可能会用到的常量

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])

        NSString * filepath = NSHomeDirectory();
        NSLog(@"filepath程序根目录: %@", filepath);
        NSArray* paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
        NSString* thepath = [paths lastObject];
        NSLog(@"Documents目录:%@", thepath);
        paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDesktopDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
        thepath = [paths lastObject];
        NSLog(@"桌面目录:%@", thepath);
        paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSLibraryDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
        thepath = [paths lastObject];
        NSLog(@"Library目录:%@", thepath);
        paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
        thepath = [paths lastObject];
        NSLog(@"桌面目录:%@", thepath);
        thepath = NSTemporaryDirectory();
        NSLog(@"临时目录:%@", thepath);
        //        得到数组的每一个值
        paths = [thepath pathComponents];
        for (int i=0; i<paths.count; i++) {
            NSLog(@"%@", [paths objectAtIndex:i ]);
//        NSApplicationDirectory = 1,             // supported applications (Applications)
//        NSDemoApplicationDirectory,             // unsupported applications, demonstration versions (Demos)
//        NSDeveloperApplicationDirectory,        // developer applications (Developer/Applications). DEPRECATED - there is no one single Developer directory.
//        NSAdminApplicationDirectory,            // system and network administration applications (Administration)
//        NSLibraryDirectory,                     // various documentation, support, and configuration files, resources (Library)
//        NSDeveloperDirectory,                   // developer resources (Developer) DEPRECATED - there is no one single Developer directory.
//        NSUserDirectory,                        // user home directories (Users)
//        NSDocumentationDirectory,               // documentation (Documentation)
//        NSDocumentDirectory,                    // documents (Documents)
//        NSCoreServiceDirectory,                 // location of CoreServices directory (System/Library/CoreServices)
//        NSAutosavedInformationDirectory NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_6, 4_0) = 11,   // location of autosaved documents (Documents/Autosaved)
//        NSDesktopDirectory = 12,                // location of user‘s desktop
//        NSCachesDirectory = 13,                 // location of discardable cache files (Library/Caches)
//        NSApplicationSupportDirectory = 14,     // location of application support files (plug-ins, etc) (Library/Application Support)
//        NSDownloadsDirectory NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0) = 15,              // location of the user‘s "Downloads" directory
//        NSInputMethodsDirectory NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_6, 4_0) = 16,           // input methods (Library/Input Methods)
//        NSMoviesDirectory NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_6, 4_0) = 17,                 // location of user‘s Movies directory (~/Movies)
//        NSMusicDirectory NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_6, 4_0) = 18,                  // location of user‘s Music directory (~/Music)
//        NSPicturesDirectory NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_6, 4_0) = 19,               // location of user‘s Pictures directory (~/Pictures)
//        NSPrinterDescriptionDirectory NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_6, 4_0) = 20,     // location of system‘s PPDs directory (Library/Printers/PPDs)
//        NSSharedPublicDirectory NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_6, 4_0) = 21,           // location of user‘s Public sharing directory (~/Public)
//        NSPreferencePanesDirectory NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_6, 4_0) = 22,        // location of the PreferencePanes directory for use with System Preferences (Library/PreferencePanes)
//        NSApplicationScriptsDirectory NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_8, NA) = 23,      // location of the user scripts folder for the calling application (~/Library/Application Scripts/code-signing-id)
//        NSItemReplacementDirectory NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_6, 4_0) = 99,	    // For use with NSFileManager‘s URLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error:
//        NSAllApplicationsDirectory = 100,       // all directories where applications can occur
//        NSAllLibrariesDirectory = 101,          // all directories where resources can occur
//        NSTrashDirectory NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_8, NA) = 102                   // location of Trash directory
    return 0;

iOS study Day 11-IO中可能会用到的常量,,
