60款开源云应用【Part 1】(60 Open Source Apps You Can Use in the Cloud)

60款开源云应用【Part 1】(60 Open Source Apps You Can Use in the Cloud)

本篇翻译自http://www.datamation.com/open-source/60-open-source-apps-you-can-use-in-the-cloud-1.html,原作者Cynthia Harvey,翻译者hcbbt,转载请注明。


Many open source applications are now available on a SaaS basis, and others can help enterprises set up IaaS or PaaS environments.

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Cloud computing is making a dramatic impact on the technology industry – and the open source community is no exception. Market analysts at IDC predict that worldwide spending on cloud computing services and technologies will top $100 billion this year. That‘s a 25 percent increase over 2013 totals.


The open source community is participating in this race to the cloud in two key ways. First, much open source software, particularly software for enterprises and small businesses, is now available on a SaaS basis. This provides customers with quality, low-cost applications and eliminates the hassles of deploying software on their own servers. At the same time, it gives open source companies a viable business model that allows them to make money from their technology.


Second, many open source projects are focusing on developing the infrastructure and management software that makes cloud computing possible. These tools are used by public cloud computing providers and by organizations that want to set up private or hybrid clouds.


For this list, we‘ve collected some of the best of both types of open source cloud apps. Although there are a few projects here that are aimed at home users, most of these are applications suitable for businesses.


As always, if you know of other open source cloud projects that you think should be on the list, feel free to make a note in the Comments section below.

    云基础设施与管理软件(Cloud Infrastructure and Management)

  1. OpenStack


    Numerous technology companies have announced their support for OpenStack, making it the leading open source cloud computing platform. It allows data centers to pool their compute, storage, and networking resources and manage them through a dashboard interface. Operating System: OS Independent.

  2. CloudStack


    This Apache project offers a turnkey Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solution. It‘s used both by public cloud computing vendors and by organizations running their own private clouds. Operating System: OS Independent

  3. OpenNebula


    This project aims to simplify the process of setting up and running private or hybrid cloud environments. The project is completely open source, but services and support are available thorough C12G Labs, which manages the project. Operating System: Linux.

  4. Eucalyptus

    全称是“灵活有效的计算架构,将您的程序链接到有用的系统中”。Eucalyptus允许组织构建与亚马逊网络服务系统(Amazon Web Services)兼容的私有云或混合云环境。在订阅的基础上可以提供支持。操作系统:Linux。

    Short for "Elastic Utility Computing Architecture, Linking Your Programs To Useful Systems," Eucalyptus allows organizations to build private or hybrid cloud environments that are compatible with Amazon Web Services. Support is available on a subscription basis. Operating System: Linux.

  5. Synnefo

    Synnefo是使用Google Ganetti,OpenStack的和KVM建立起来的一个完整的云基础架构堆栈。在网站上有相关的演示,所以你可以看到操作面板的动作,然后再下载。操作系统:Linux。

    Synnefo is a complete cloud infrastructure stack built using Google Ganetti, OpenStack and KVM. There‘s a demo on the website, so you can see the dashboard in action before you download. Operating System: Linux.

  6. Scalr

    通过使用像GE, Expedia, Samsung, Oracle, Disney, Nokia, CBS and Accenture这样的公司,Scalr是一个企业级的云管理解决方案。除了开源版本,还配备有偿托管或内部部署版本。操作系统:Linux。

    Used by companies like GE, Expedia, Samsung, Oracle, Disney, Nokia, CBS and Accenture, Scalr is an enterprise-class cloud management solution. In addition to the open source version, it also comes in paid hosted or on-premise versions. Operating System: Linux.

  7. FOSS-Cloud

    这个多方位的云计算解决方案拥有虚拟化(virutalization),云桌面(cloud desktop),IaaS,PaaS和SaaS的功能。据网站说明,与闭源虚拟化软件相比,它可以为用户节省高达40%的成本。操作系统:Windows,Linux。

    This multi-faceted cloud computing solution includes virutalization, cloud desktop, IaaS, PaaS and SaaS capabilities. According to the website, it can save users up to 40 percent compared to closed source virtualization software. Operating System: Windows, Linux.

  8. openQRM


    This enterprise-class tool combines datacenter management/system administration and IaaS provisioning into a single tool. It comes in both a free community version and a paid enterprise version. Operating System: Linux.

  9. Desein


    Sponsored by Dell, Desein describes itself as a "Open Source cloud abstraction library for Java." It‘s a model for IaaS and PaaS offerings that enables applications to run in any cloud environment. Operating System: Linux.

    云桌面(Cloud Desktop)

  10. eyeOS


    Although it is now commercial software available from IBM and other partners, you can still access the older, open source versions of this cloud desktop solution from the SourceForge link above. It claims to be the first and the most popular open source cloud desktop. Operating System: Linux.

  11. Oneye


    A community group is continuing development of the open source version of eyeOS, which they have forked under the name Oneye. It‘s currently in version 0.9, and only community support is available. Operating System: Linux.

  12. ownCloud


    As you can probably guess from the name, this project allows individual users to set up their own personal cloud so they can access their files, email, and multimedia content from any device. If you don‘t have your own server, the website links to several service providers who offer hosting. Operating System: Windows, Linux.


  13. Xen

    由Linux基金会赞助,Xen的已被纳入许多其他开源项目,其中包括Eucalyptus,Apache CloudStack,OpenNebula和OpenStack中。亚马逊在2006年开始使用它的云计算服务,它也运行许多其他公共云。操作系统:与操作系统无关。

    Sponsored by the Linux Foundation, Xen has been incorporated into numerous other open source projects, including Eucalyptus, Apache CloudStack, OpenNebula and OpenStack. Amazon began using it for its cloud computing service in 2006, and it also runs many other public clouds. Operating System: OS Independent.

  14. KVM


    A Red Hat emerging technology project, KVM is a virtualization solution for x86 systems. It‘s been part of the Linux kernel since 2007. Operating System: Linux.

    网络监控(Network Monitoring)

  15. Opsview


    This monitoring tool allows IT pros to keep tabs on their cloud, virtual and physical systems. It comes in core (open source), pro, enterprise and MSP versions. Operating System: Linux.

    平台与服务(Platform as a Service)

  16. AppScale


    Based on Google App Engine, AppScale is an open source platform as a service solution. Paid support is available. Operating System: Linux.

  17. OpenShift


    Owned by RedHat, OpenShift is both downloadable software that allows organizations to set up their own PaaS and an online public PaaS. It supports technologies like Java, PHP, Ruby, Node.js, Python, Perl, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL and Jenkins. Operating System: Linux.

  18. Cloud Foundry

    Cloud Foundry现在为Pivotal所有,主要依赖Verizon,SAP和百度的用户。除了赞助的开源项目,Pivotal还提供Pivotal Web Services——一个基于Cloud Foundry的公共PaaS,和Pivotal CF——一个Cloud Foundry提供支持的版本,企业可以用它来建立一个私有PaaS。操作系统:Linux。

    Now owned by Pivotal, Cloud Foundry counts Verizon, SAP and Baidu among its users. In addition to sponsoring the open source project, Pivotal also offers Pivotal Web Services, a public PaaS based on Cloud Foundry, and Pivotal CF, a supported version of Cloud Foundry that enterprises can use to set up a private PaaS. Operating System: Linux.


  19. Amanda/Zmanda


    Amanda, short for "Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver," claims to be the "most popular open source backup and recovery software in the world." Zmanda, which sponsors development of the tool, offers cloud-based backup based on the same software. Operating System: Windows.

  20. Bacula

    Bacula专供企业使用,也号称“最流行”。Bacula的系统提供付费支持和服务,包括“Bacula fo Cloud”。操作系统:Windows,Linux和OS X。

    Designed for enterprise use, Bacula also lays claim to the "most popular" title. Bacula Systems offers paid support and services, including "Bacula for the Cloud." Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.

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60款开源云应用【Part 1】(60 Open Source Apps You Can Use in the Cloud),,5-wow.com
