create table if not exists League (
lid int primary key auto_increment,
lyear int not null,
season varchar(10) not null,
title varchar(30) not null
create table if not exists tb_test
id int primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(200) not null,
salary float(11,2),
birthday date,
sex varchar(5),
sleep time,
ts timestamp,
description text,
picture blob
create table if not exists Player (
pid int primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(30) not null,
address varchar(30) not null,
city varchar(20) not null,
email varchar(40) not null
-- This table represents the relationship between leagues and players.
create table if not exists Registration (
lid int not null,
pid int not null,
division varchar(20) not null,
league_lid int not null,
player_pid int not null,
primary key (lid, pid)
create table if not exists AdminUser (
uid int primary key auto_increment,
username varchar(20) not null,
password varchar(20) not null
-- Create the initial set of leagues.
INSERT INTO League (lid, lyear, season, title) VALUES (1, 2008, ‘Spring‘, ‘Soccer League (Spring ‘‘08)‘);
INSERT INTO League (lid, lyear, season, title) VALUES (2, 2008, ‘Summer‘, ‘Summer Soccer Fest 2008‘);
INSERT INTO League (lid, lyear, season, title) VALUES (3, 2008, ‘Fall‘, ‘Fall Soccer League (2008)‘);
INSERT INTO League (lid, lyear, season, title) VALUES (4, 2009, ‘Spring‘, ‘Soccer League (Spring ‘‘09)‘);
INSERT INTO League (lid, lyear, season, title) VALUES (5, 2009, ‘Summer‘, ‘The Summer of Soccer Love 2009‘);
INSERT INTO League (lid, lyear, season, title) VALUES (6, 2009, ‘Fall‘, ‘Fall Soccer League (2009)‘);
-- Insert the basic AdminUser.
INSERT INTO AdminUser (uid, username, password) VALUES (100, ‘admin‘, ‘admin‘);
INSERT INTO AdminUser (uid, username, password) VALUES (101, ‘jack‘, ‘admin‘);