SQL Server和MySQL主外键写法对比

SQL Server主键的写法:

create table dept
dept_no int primary key,
dept_name nvarchar(20) not null
create table dept
dept_no int not null,
dept_name nvarchar(20) not null,
primary key (dept_no)
create table dept
dept_no int not null,
dept_name nvarchar(20) not null
alter table dept add primary key (dept_no)
alter table dept add constraint dept_no_pk primary key (dept_no)
insert into dept values
insert into dept values(10,‘IT2‘)


--列级,同SQL Server一样
create table dept
dept_no int primary key,
dept_name varchar(20) not null
--表级,同SQL Server也一样
create table dept
dept_no int ,
dept_name varchar(20) not null,
primary key(dept_no)
--修改,同SQL Server也一样
create table dept
dept_no int not null,
dept_name varchar(20) not null
alter table add  primary key (dept_no);
alter table add constraint dept_no_pk primary key(dept_no)
insert into dept values (10,‘IT‘),(20,‘Finance‘),(30,‘Engineer‘); 
insert into dept values(10,‘IT2‘)


SQL Server外键的写法:

create table employee
employee_id int primary key,
employee_name nvarchar(20) not null,
dept_id int foreign key references dept(dept_no)
create table employee
employee_id int primary key,
employee_name nvarchar(20) not null,
dept_id int,
constraint dept_no_fk foreign key(dept_id) references dept(dept_no)
create table employee
employee_id int primary key,
employee_name nvarchar(20) not null,
dept_id int
alter table employee add foreign key (dept_id) references dept(dept_no);
alter table employee add constraint dept_no_fk foreign key (dept_id) references dept(dept_no)
insert into employee(1001,‘zhangsan‘,10);
insert into employee(1002,‘lisi‘,50)


--这下终于和SQL Server 不一样了,好像没有列级的了哦
create table employee
employee_id int primary key,
employee_name varchar(20) not null,
dept_id int,
foreign key (dept_id) references dept(dept_no)
create table employee
employee_id int primary key,
employee_name varchar(20) not null,
dept_id int,
constraint dept_no_fk foreign key (dept_id) references dept(dept_no)

insert into employee values(1001,‘zhangsan‘,10);
insert into employee values(1002,‘lisi‘,50)

其实主外键写法就是“constraint 主键名/外键名”这个的区别,我理解就是加了个别名。


SQL Server(好像必须有主外键别名的才行):

create table employee
employee_id int,
employee_name nvarchar(20) not null,
dept_id int ,
constraint employee_id_pk primary key(employee_id),
constraint dept_no_fk foreign key(dept_id) references dept(dept_no)
alter table employee drop constraint employee_id_pk;
alter table employee drop constraint dept_no_fk;
insert into employee values(1001,‘zhangsan‘,10);
insert into employee values(1003,‘wangwu‘,20);
insert into employee values(1001,‘niuliu‘,30);
insert into employee values(1002,‘lisi‘,50);


create table employee
employee_id int primary key,
employee_name varchar(20) not null,
dept_id int ,
constraint dept_no_fk foreign key (dept_id) references dept(dept_no)
alter table employee drop primary key;
alter table employee drop foreign key dept_no_fk;
insert into employee values(1001,‘zhangsan‘,10);
insert into employee values(1003,‘wangwu‘,20);
insert into employee values(1001,‘niuliu‘,30);
insert into employee values(1002,‘lisi‘,50);



create table employee
employee_id int primary key,
employee_name varchar(20) not null,
age int check (18<=age and age<=55),
dept_id int,
constraint dept_no_fk foreign key(dept_id) references dept(dept_no)
insert into employee values(1001,‘zhangsan‘10,10);
insert into employee values(1002,‘lisi‘,29,10);

真的可以insert into 进去,使用show create table employee查看,果真没有check约束


The CHECK clause is parsed but ignored by all storage engines.

SQL Server和MySQL主外键写法对比,古老的榕树,5-wow.com
