细细品味Ubuntu Scope中的category renderer模版
当我第一次接触Ubuntu Scope时,我发现这个Category Renderer太神奇。它可以把我们想要的数据很简单而直接的方式呈现给我们。但是由于资料的限制,我们很难知道它最终的显示的形式是什么样的。我们可以在我们的英文的网站的文章“Customization and branding”找到一下信息。但是总觉得意犹未尽,加之没有代码,有时很难理解它到底讲的是什么。在这篇文章中,我们来详细地介绍各种模版,并看看它们的显示格式。详细这对广大的开发者来说非常有用。我们可以修改这些模版来显示我们所需要的内容。
sc::SearchQueryBase::UPtr Scope::search(const sc::CannedQuery &query, const sc::SearchMetadata &metadata) { const QString scopePath = QString::fromStdString(scope_directory()); // Boilerplate construction of Query return sc::SearchQueryBase::UPtr(new Query(query, metadata, scopePath, config_)); }
Query::Query(const sc::CannedQuery &query, const sc::SearchMetadata &metadata, QString scopePath, Config::Ptr config) : sc::SearchQueryBase(query, metadata), scopePath_(scopePath), client_(config) { for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i ++ ) { QString name = QString("image").append(QString::number(i+1)).append(".jpg"); QString image = QString("file://%1/images/%2").arg(scopePath).arg(name); images_ << image; } for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i ++ ) { QString name = QString("pic").append(QString::number(i+1)).append(".jpg"); QString image = QString("file://%1/images/%2").arg(scopePath).arg(name); icons_ << image; } background_ = QString("file://%1/images/%2").arg(scopePath).arg("background.jpg"); }
liuxg@liuxg:~/scope/scopetemplates$ tree . ├── cmake │ ├── FindGMock.cmake │ └── FindIntltool.cmake ├── CMakeLists.txt ├── CMakeLists.txt.user ├── data │ ├── CMakeLists.txt │ ├── icon.png │ ├── images │ │ ├── background.jpg │ │ ├── image1.jpg │ │ ├── image2.jpg │ │ ├── image3.jpg │ │ ├── image4.jpg │ │ ├── image5.jpg │ │ ├── image6.jpg │ │ ├── image7.jpg │ │ ├── image8.jpg │ │ ├── pic10.jpg │ │ ├── pic1.jpg │ │ ├── pic2.jpg │ │ ├── pic3.jpg │ │ ├── pic4.jpg │ │ ├── pic5.jpg │ │ ├── pic6.jpg │ │ ├── pic7.jpg │ │ ├── pic8.jpg │ │ └── pic9.jpg │ ├── logo.png │ ├── scopetemplates.liu-xiao-guo_scopetemplates.ini.in │ └── screenshot.png ├── include │ ├── api │ │ ├── client.h │ │ └── config.h │ └── scope │ ├── localization.h │ ├── preview.h │ ├── query.h │ └── scope.h ├── manifest.json.in ├── po │ ├── CMakeLists.txt │ ├── Makefile.in.in │ ├── POTFILES.in │ └── scopetemplates.pot ├── readme.txt ├── scopetemplates.apparmor ├── setup.sh ├── src │ ├── api │ │ └── client.cpp │ ├── CMakeLists.txt │ └── scope │ ├── preview.cpp │ ├── query.cpp │ └── scope.cpp └── tests ├── CMakeLists.txt ├── server │ ├── forecast │ │ └── daily │ │ ├── London,uk.json │ │ ├── London,uk.xml │ │ ├── Manchester,uk.json │ │ └── Manchester,uk.xml │ ├── server.py │ └── weather │ ├── London,uk.json │ ├── London,uk.xml │ ├── Manchester,uk.json │ └── Manchester,uk.xml └── unit ├── CMakeLists.txt └── scope └── test-scope.cpp
void Query::pushResult(sc::SearchReplyProxy const& reply, const string renderer, int i) { stringstream ss; ss << i; string str = ss.str(); auto cat = reply->register_category( "id" + str, "Template " + str , "", sc::CategoryRenderer(renderer) ); sc::CategorisedResult r(cat); r.set_uri( URI.toStdString() ); r.set_art( images_[0].toStdString() ); r["subtitle"] = "Subtitle " + str; r.set_title("Title " + str); r["summary"] = "Summary: " + str; r["fulldesc"] = "fulldesc: " + str; r["mascot"] = icons_[0].toStdString(); r["emblem"] = icons_[1].toStdString(); r["background"] = background_.toStdString(); r["overlay-color"] = "#FF0000"; QString likes = QString("%1 %2").arg(qstr(u8"\u261d "), "100"); QString views = QString("%1 %2").arg(qstr(u8" \u261f "), "99"); std::string both = qstr("%1 %2").arg(likes,views).toStdString(); sc::VariantBuilder builder; builder.add_tuple({ {"value", Variant(both)} }); builder.add_tuple({ {"value", Variant("")} }); r["attributes"] = builder.end(); if (!reply->push(r)) return; } void Query::pushResult(sc::SearchReplyProxy const& reply, const std::shared_ptr<const Category> *cat, int i) { stringstream ss; ss << i; string str = ss.str(); sc::CategorisedResult r(*cat); r.set_uri( URI.toStdString() ); r.set_art( images_[i].toStdString() ); r["subtitle"] = "Subtitle " + str; r.set_title("Title " + str); r["summary"] = "Summary: " + str; r["fulldesc"] = "fulldesc: " + str; r["mascot"] = icons_[0].toStdString(); r["emblem"] = icons_[1].toStdString(); QString likes = QString("%1 %2").arg(qstr(u8"\u261d "), "100"); QString views = QString("%1 %2").arg(qstr(u8" \u261f "), "99"); std::string both = qstr("%1 %2").arg(likes,views).toStdString(); sc::VariantBuilder builder; builder.add_tuple({ {"value", Variant(both)} }); builder.add_tuple({ {"value", Variant("")} }); r["attributes"] = builder.end(); if (!reply->push(r)) return; }
const static string CAT_RENDERER1 { R"( { "schema_version" : 1, "template" : { "category-layout" : "grid", "card-layout": "vertical", "card-size" : "large", "card-background": "#00FF00" }, "components" : { "title" : "title", "art" : "art", "subtitle": "subtitle", "mascot": "mascot", "emblem": "emblem", "summary": "summary", "background": "background", "overlay-color": "overlay-color", "attributes": { "field": "attributes", "max-count": 2 } } } )" };
void Query::run(sc::SearchReplyProxy const& reply) { try { // The default is vertical pushResult(reply, CAT_RENDERER1, 1); } catch (domain_error &e) { // Handle exceptions being thrown by the client API cerr << e.what() << endl; reply->error(current_exception()); } }
const static string CAT_RENDERER1 { R"( { "schema_version" : 1, "template" : { "category-layout" : "grid", "card-layout": "vertical", "card-size" : "medium", "card-background": "#00FF00" }, "components" : { "title" : "title", "art" : "art", "subtitle": "subtitle", "mascot": "mascot", "emblem": "emblem", "summary": "summary", "overlay-color": "overlay-color", "attributes": { "field": "attributes", "max-count": 2 } } } )" };
const static string CAT_RENDERER2 { R"( { "schema_version" : 1, "template" : { "category-layout" : "grid", "card-layout": "horizontal", "card-size" : "large", "card-background": "#00FF00" }, "components" : { "title" : "title", "art" : "art", "subtitle": "subtitle", "mascot": "mascot", "emblem": "emblem", "summary": "summary", "background": "background", "overlay-color": "overlay-color", "attributes": { "field": "attributes", "max-count": 2 } } } )" };
const static string CAT_RENDERER3 = R"( { "schema-version": 1, "template": { "category-layout": "grid", "card-layout": "horizontal", "card-size": "medium", "card-background": "#00FF00" }, "components": { "title": "title", "art" : { "field": "art" }, "subtitle": "subtitle", "overlay-color": "overlay-color", "attributes": { "field": "attributes", "max-count": 2 } } } )";
const static string CAT_RENDERER4 { R"( { "schema_version" : 1, "template" : { "category-layout" : "grid", "card-layout": "vertical", "card-size" : "medium" }, "components" : { "title" : "title", "art" : "art", "subtitle": "subtitle", "overlay-color": "overlay-color", "attributes": { "field": "attributes", "max-count": 2 } } } )" };
const static string CAT_RENDERER5 { R"( { "schema_version" : 1, "template" : { "category-layout" : "grid", "card-layout": "vertical", "card-size" : "medium" }, "components": { "title": "title", "subtitle": "subtitle", "overlay-color": "overlay-color", "art" : { "field": "art", "aspect-ratio": 2.0 }, "attributes": { "field": "attributes", "max-count": 2 } } } )" };
const static string CAT_RENDERER6 { R"( { "schema_version" : 1, "template" : { "category-layout" : "grid", "card-layout": "vertical", "card-size" : "medium" }, "components": { "title": "title", "subtitle": "subtitle", "art" : { "field": "art", "aspect-ratio": 1.0 }, "overlay-color": "overlay-color", "attributes": { "field": "attributes", "max-count": 2 } } } )" };
const static string CAT_RENDERER7 { R"( { "schema_version" : 1, "template" : { "category-layout" : "grid", "card-layout": "vertical", "card-size" : "medium", "overlay": true }, "components": { "title": "title", "subtitle": "subtitle", "art" : { "field": "art", "aspect-ratio": 1.0 }, "overlay-color": "overlay-color", "attributes": { "field": "attributes", "max-count": 2 } } } )" };
const static string CAT_RENDERER8 { R"( { "schema_version" : 1, "template" : { "category-layout" : "grid", "card-layout": "vertical", "card-size" : "medium" }, "components" : { "title" : "title", "art" : "art", "subtitle": "subtitle", "mascot": "mascot", "emblem": "emblem", "summary": "summary", "overlay-color": "overlay-color", "attributes": { "field": "attributes", "max-count": 2 } } } )" };
auto cat = reply->register_category( "Grid", "Grid" , "", sc::CategoryRenderer(CAT_RENDERER8) ); for ( int i = 0; i < count/2; i ++ ) { pushResult( reply, &cat, i); }
const static string CAT_RENDERER9 { R"( { "schema_version" : 1, "template" : { "category-layout" : "carousel", "card-layout": "vertical", "card-size" : "medium" }, "components" : { "title" : "title", "art" : "art", "subtitle": "subtitle", "mascot": "mascot", "emblem": "emblem", "summary": "summary", "overlay-color": "overlay-color", "attributes": { "field": "attributes", "max-count": 2 } } } )" };
int count = images_.count(); auto cat = reply->register_category( "Carousel", "Carousel" , "", sc::CategoryRenderer(CAT_RENDERER9) ); for ( int i = 0; i < count; i ++ ) { pushResult( reply, &cat, i); }
const std::string CAT_RENDERER10 = R"( { "schema-version": 1, "template": { "category-layout": "grid", "card-size": "large", "overlay": true }, "components": { "title": "title", "subtitle": "subtitle", "art" : { "field": "art", "aspect-ratio": 2.0 } } }
const std::string CAT_RENDERER11 = R"( { "schema-version" : 1, "template" : { "category-layout" : "vertical-journal", "card-layout": "horizontal", "card-size": "small", "collapsed-rows": 0 }, "components" : { "title":"title", "subtitle":"subtitle", "summary":"summary", "art":{ "field": "art", "aspect-ratio": 2 } } })";
const static string CAT_RENDERER12 { R"( { "schema_version" : 1, "template" : { "category-layout" : "vertical-journal", "card-layout": "vertical", "card-size" : "medium", "card-background": "#00FF00" }, "components" : { "title" : "title", "art" : "art", "subtitle": "subtitle", "mascot": "mascot", "emblem": "emblem", "summary": "summary", "background": "background", "overlay-color": "overlay-color", "attributes": { "field": "attributes", "max-count": 2 } } } )" };
const static string CAT_RENDERER13 { R"( { "schema_version" : 1, "template" : { "category-layout" : "horizontal-list", "card-layout": "vertical", "card-size" : "large", "card-background": "#00FF00" }, "components" : { "title" : "title", "art" : "art", "subtitle": "subtitle", "mascot": "mascot", "emblem": "emblem", "summary": "summary", "background": "background", "overlay-color": "overlay-color", "attributes": { "field": "attributes", "max-count": 2 } } } )" };
auto cat = reply->register_category( "horizontal-list", "horizontal-list" , "", sc::CategoryRenderer(CAT_RENDERER13) ); for ( int i = 0; i < count; i ++ ) { pushResult( reply, &cat, i); }