1 在终端下运行程序,首先清屏,然后提示:“Input a file or directory name, please!”。从键盘输入一个字符串(如:xxx),如果该字符串是目录,则显示:“xxx is a directory.”;如果该字符串是文件(如:xxx),则显示:“xxx is a regular file.”;如果既不是目录也不是文件,则显示:“This script cannot get the file/directory xxx information!”。
# ! /bin/sh echo "Input a file or directory name, please!" read file if [ -d $file ] then echo "$file is a directory." elif [ -f $file ] then echo "$file is a regular file." else echo "This script cannot get the file/directory xxx information!" fi
2 在终端下运行程序,首先清屏,然后提示:“Input your age!”。从键盘输入你的年龄(如:22),如果年龄在20-29,则输出“Please go to room 101!”;如果年龄在30-39,则输出“Please go to room 201!”;如果年龄在40-49,则输出“Please go to room 301!”;如果年龄在50-59,则输出“Please go to room 401!”;如果年龄在60-69,则输出“Please go to room 501!”;如果年龄不在上述范围,则输出“Please wait at the door!”;
# ! /bin/bash clear echo "please input your age!" read age a=` expr $age / 10 ` case $a in 2) echo "Please goto room 101" ;; 3) echo "Please goto room 201" ;; 4) echo "Please goto room 301" ;; 5) echo "Please goto room 401" ;; 6) echo "Please goto room 501" ;; *) echo "Please wait at the door!" ;; esac
3 程序中循环列表为某一目录下的所有子目录和文件,运行程序,列出该目录下的所有文件。(这个需要使用 bash ***.sh执行,上面两个可以直接sh ***.sh)
#! /bin/bash function ergodic() { for file in ` ls $1 ` do if [ -d $1"/"$file ] then ergodic $1"/"$file else echo $1"/"$file fi done } INIT_PATH="./test" ergodic $INIT_PATH