macbook pro install ubuntu

Determine your hardware revision

To determine which version / generation of MacBook Pro you have, you have multiple options:


From the GUI in OS X


Click on the Apple on the top left > "About this Mac" > "More Info..." > "Overview" > "System Report ..." > "Hardware" in left-hand panel > "Hardware Overview" in right-hand panel > "Model Identifier". This will be a string like "MacBookPro11,1".


From the Terminal in Ubuntu

技术分享 ... under Ubuntu, you can find out what model you have by typing at the terminal:

sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name

技术分享 A terminal is opened by going to Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal.

It will tell you something like MacBookPro4,1 for example.


MacBook Pro Hardware Models

Now go to the MactelSupportTeam‘s wiki and choose the link to your model in the list.


MacBook Hardware Revisions and Ubuntu version-specific wikis

Now choose the link to the wiki of your hardware revision and the Ubuntu version you are looking for. If you haven‘t decided yet, what version you like to install, it is recommended to install the latest official LTS Ubuntu version. If no wiki article is available, ask for help in the support forum!

First, you’ll want to get a copy of the Ubuntu desktop ISO image. Be sure to choose the 64-bit desktop flavor, and not the image made for Macs. The regular image can boot up in BIOS and EFI modes, while the Mac image can only boot up in BIOS mode. This was done on purpose for some Macs, but we want to be able to boot it up in EFI mode.

Write to USB Drive

Next, grab a USB flash drive that is at least 2GB large – we’ll use this to boot up the Ubuntu installer on. To make this drive you can follow the official Ubuntu steps, or use the dedicated GUI tool for the job.

Resize Partitions


Once you’ve done that, you can get your MacBook Pro ready for the installation. Open up the Disk Utility, click on your hard drive on the left side, and then choose the Partitions tab. Resize the Mac partition to whatever size you’d like it to be — we’ll use the newly created free space to install Ubuntu.

Boot Up Ubuntu Image


After that’s completed, plug in the USB flash drive you prepared and restart your MacBook Pro. Be sure to hold down the Options button from when the screen blanks out for a second to when you see a screen with various boot options. Choose the EFI option (the left one in case you see two of them) to boot up your Ubuntu USB flash drive.

When prompted to choose between “Try Ubuntu” and “Install Ubuntu”, choose “Try Ubuntu” because we’ll need to perform a step after the installer completes but before you restart the system.


Once the Ubuntu desktop loads, start the installer and go through it normally until you reach the partitioning step. If you cannot access WiFi, it’s because Ubuntu currently doesn’t recognize your WiFi chipset. Don’t worry – we don’t need to have Internet access right now, and it’ll detect the right driver to use whenever you boot up into your new installation later on.


Once you come to the partitioning step, choose to “Do something else”. Then, make sure that the small partition that’s ~128MB large is recognized as an EFI boot partition (you can check by clicking on it and choosing Options; additionally, that should be /dev/sda1). Next, you can create an ext4 partition in the new space and have the path “/” be mounted to it. You can also create multiple partitions here if you prefer that and know what you’re doing.

Before you continue to the next step, make sure that the bootloader installation location says /dev/sda1, as you want GRUB to be installed into that partition. Then, finish off the installation like normal.

EFI Boot Fix


When the installer completes, don’t restart just yet! We still need to do one more thing so that we’ll be able to use GRUB. Run the following command: sudo apt-get install efibootmgr. This will temporarily install a configuration tool for EFI boot setups. Next, run sudo efibootmgr. This will print out the current boot configuration to your screen. In this, you should be able to see “ubuntu” and “Boot0000*”. Currently, the EFI system will point to Boot0080*, which skips GRUB and goes directly to Mac OS X. To fix this, run the command sudo efibootmgr -o 0,80. Now you can restart!

Congratulations! Your Ubuntu installation should now be working! However, there are a few tweaks that you can perform to have a better experience.

Various Tweaks

First, you’ll need to make a quick change to a GRUB setting so that the SSD won’t occasionally freeze. Type sudo nano /etc/default/grub in a terminal, and then find the line with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX and change it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="libata.force=noncq". Hit CTRL+X to save, and Y then Enter to confirm. Then, you’ll want to type sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom into the terminal, which will open up a new file. In it, type this exactly:

menuentry "Mac OS X" {

This will allow you to boot into your Mac OS X installation (the 32-bit and 64-bit entries in GRUB do not work). Do the same thing to save and exit, then type in sudo update-grub for the changes to go into effect. Finally, restart your system for good measure.


As you can see, everything is ridiculously small on the Retina display. To fix this, System Settings –> Display and change the scaling factor to something larger. On the Retina screen, everything will look extremely tiny and it will make your life much more difficult if you don’t change it to something you like.

You may also find that it’s difficult to grab the edges of a window for resizing. This can also be changed. Type sudo nano /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml into a terminal, and then change these values appropriately:

<distance name="left_width" value="4"/>
<distance name="right_width" value="4"/>
<distance name="bottom_height" value="4"/>

If that’s not big enough, you can also change those values to “6” instead.

Finally, if you experience any washed out colors, you can grab the display color profile from Mac OS X and use it in Ubuntu. Mount your Mac OS X drive and navigate to /Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Displays/Color LCD-xxxxxx.icc, where xxxxxx is some random string (there should only be one file anyways, but this string gets randomized). Copy it into your Ubuntu home folder, and then go to System Settings –> Color and choose Add New Profile and choose the profile you saved in your home folder.



Congratulations! You now have a great working Linux installation on your MacBook Pro Retina! Feel free to make additional tweaks to make Ubuntu feel more like home. I’m sure that these instructions can be applied to other Mac systems, but each new release has its own pitfalls and advantages. If you use a different machine, it’s a good idea to look up some documentation first, such as this for Ubuntu.

Additionally, feel free to check out other great Linux distros that you can install to your Mac!

Have you installed Linux on a Mac? What problems did you encounter and how did you solve it? Let us know in the comments!

Installing Ubuntu 14.04 on Macbook Pro Retina (10,1)

I did an upgrade install of 13.10, so I skipped writing a blog post about it. However, I did a fresh install of 14.04 on my macbook pro (rMBP). It seems quite stable so far, and is mostly the same as 13.10 and 13.04.

Improved from 13.04

  1. Better nvidia support (no more need to set kernel options)

Now for the directions!

1. Preparation

Just follow steps 1 through 3 in my first guide, to get rEFIt installed and prepare to install Ubuntu. Make sure you download the 14.04 ISO though, for step 3.

2. Install Ubuntu

Note that the wifi won’t work (we’ll fix this in the next step), so don’t try to install updates during the installation process, unless you have a separate usb wifi dongle or ethernet. Also, at the end of the installer, after the dialog asking you to restart, you’ll probably get a black screen. Just press spacebar and it should reboot.

3. Install Wifi Drivers

Wifi doesn’t work out of the box, so from another computer (or your OSX install) download the driver and its dependencies (dkms, libc6-dev, linux-libc-dev), then copy them all to a flash drive and boot back into Ubuntu. Install each with:

sudo dpkg -i "the package file you downloaded"

Alternatively, if you have a usb wifi card, you can use that and install the driver with this command:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source

4. EFI Boot

To get the 2880×1800 native resolution, and the external display ports working you’ll need to convert GRUB to EFI mode. Follow these steps adapted from the Ubuntu UEFI page (note: as of this writing the PPA is missing the packages for trusty, so you’ll need to use the saucy packages instead):

  1. 1
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair
  2. Click on “Advanced options”, go to the “GRUB location” tab.
  3. Make sure that “Separate /boot/efi partition” is checked, then click the “Apply” button, and follow the directions (you’ll be asked to remove and reinstall GRUB)
  4. Reboot. You’ll probably have several new options in rEFIt, select any of them to boot up
  5. (optional) if you want to remove some of the extra rEFIt options, just delete the directories you don’t want from /boot/efi/EFI (be VERY CAREFUL here, and don’t delete the APPLE directory)

Note: After changing to EFI, you may get a blank screen for several seconds during boot-up.

5. NVIDIA Drivers

Now you’ll need to install the proprietary NVIDIA drivers, and configure Xorg:

  1. 1
    sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
    sudo apt-get install nvidia-current
    sudo nvidia-xconfig
  2. edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add to the Device section:
    Option "UseDPLib" "off"
  3. edit /etc/default/grub and add “i915.lvds_channel_mode=2 i915.modeset=0 i915.lvds_use_ssc=0″  to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT inside the double-quotes between the words “quiet splash“. Then run:
    sudo update-grub
  4. Reboot and you should see the nvidia logo during boot
  5. (optional) If you don’t see the nvidia logo or get a blank screen, try installing gfxCardStatus (version 2.2.1, not 2.3), and forcing the discrete graphics card from the dropdown menu of their toolbar icon. You may also need to run “sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-current” after rebooting.

6. Brightness Controls

To make the brightness buttons work, add this to /etc/init.d/rc.local:

setpci -v -H1 -s 00:01.00 BRIDGE_CONTROL=0

7. Other Configuration (optional)

If you’re like me and want the F1-F12 keys to behave as function keys, and not special keys then just follow these steps from the AppleKeyboard guide:

echo options hid_apple fnmode=2 | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/hid_apple.conf
sudo update-initramfs -u -k all
sudo reboot

Still Broken

  • Only the native resolution (2880×1800) is available, which means the text is rather small
