




 Typing the above at the prompt gives you a list of directories that exist in the current directory along with their sizes. The last line of the output gives you the total size of the current directory including its subdirectories. The size given includes the sizes of the files and the directories that exist in the current directory as well as all of its subdirectories. Note that by default the sizes given are in kilobytes.


du /home/sunyuw

The above command would give you the directory size of the directory /home/sunyuw



528    ./.mozilla/firefox/reo52zta.default/storage/persistent
532    ./.mozilla/firefox/reo52zta.default/storage
13220    ./.mozilla/firefox/reo52zta.default/adblockplus
38788    ./.mozilla/firefox/reo52zta.default
38812    ./.mozilla/firefox
4    ./.mozilla/extensions
38820    ./.mozilla
2080040    .





du -h


This command gives you a better output than the default one. The option ‘-h‘ stands for human readable format. So the sizes of the files / directories are this time suffixed with a ‘k‘ if its kilobytes and ‘M‘ if its Megabytes and ‘G‘ if its Gigabytes.




13M    ./.mozilla/firefox/reo52zta.default/adblockplus
38M    ./.mozilla/firefox/reo52zta.default
38M    ./.mozilla/firefox
4.0K    ./.mozilla/extensions
38M    ./.mozilla
2.0G    .





du -ah


This command would display in its output, not only the directories but also all the files that are present in the current directory. Note that ‘du‘ always counts all files and directories while giving the final size in the last line. But the ‘-a‘ displays the filenames along with the directory names in the output. ‘-h‘ is once again human readable format.



32K    ./self-learning/intro-linux/sect_03_01.html
8.0K    ./self-learning/intro-linux/sect_07_08.html
12K    ./self-learning/intro-linux/sect_06_01.html
12K    ./self-learning/intro-linux/sect_05_01.html
12K    ./self-learning/intro-linux/sect_01_05.html
800K    ./self-learning/intro-linux/intro-linux.html
8.0K    ./self-learning/intro-linux/sect_05_05.html
16K    ./self-learning/intro-linux/sect_07_01.html
2.7M    ./self-learning/intro-linux
9.4M    ./self-learning
309M    .


du -c

This gives you a grand total as the last line of the output. So if your directory occupies 30MB the last 2 lines of the output would be




305328    ./jumei
800    ./bigchance
284    ./self-learning/Bash-Beginners-Guide/images
1692    ./self-learning/Bash-Beginners-Guide
2920    ./self-learning/advanced bash-guide
752    ./self-learning/intro-linux/images
2748    ./self-learning/intro-linux
9620    ./self-learning
315752    .
315752    total







du -ch | grep total




du -s

This displays a summary of the directory size. It is the simplest way to know the total size of the current directory.




315752    .


du -S

This would display the size of the current directory excluding the size of the subdirectories that exist within that directory. So it basically shows you the total size of all the files that exist in the current directory.




305328    ./jumei
800    ./bigchance
284    ./self-learning/Bash-Beginners-Guide/images
1408    ./self-learning/Bash-Beginners-Guide
2920    ./self-learning/advanced bash-guide
752    ./self-learning/intro-linux/images
1996    ./self-learning/intro-linux
2260    ./self-learning
4    .


注意下,这里的当前文件夹已经没有被计算sub file或者sub dir的size了。


du --exculde=mp3

The above command would display the size of the current directory along with all its subdirectories, but it would exclude all the files having the given pattern present in their filenames. Thus in the above case if there happens to be any mp3 files within the current directory or any of its subdirectories, their size would not be included while calculating the total directory size.









Typing the above, outputs a table consisting of 6 columns. All the columns are very easy to understand. Remember that the ‘Size‘, ‘Used‘ and ‘Avail‘ columns use kilobytes as the unit. The ‘Use%‘ column shows the usage as a percentage which is also very useful.




