Enable Sublime text 2 to support GBK in Mac

The Sublime is my most loving editor,but is not very familiar with it.

Here,I will tell you how to install package controll

manual installation

Step 1: download the file from follow link


Step 2:move package to the specify folder

  preferences ---> browse package ---> open the packages then return to the parent directory ---> enter “installed package”--->mv Control.sublime-package  in it

  restart sublime;

Step 3: install GBK Encoding Support

  use "command+shift+p" to open the command mode,then input “Package Control: install Package"---> enter ---> it will be some time to load repositories , wait for a while , then you will see a input box , input "GBK Encoding Support" ,choose and install it。 over~


Everything is ok~



Related links:

https://packagecontrol.io/installation  // Explains how to install package control

https://packagecontrol.io/packages/GBK%20Encoding%20Support //
