下载链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kTIc8sf 密码:8y3l
1. 摄像头跟随
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class CameraFollowScript : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject car; public float distance = 5; public float heightDiff = 3; public float angleDamping = 1.5f; // 缓冲系数 public float heightDamping = 1f; public float defaultFOV = 60; public float zoomRatio = 1.2f; private float dstAngleWithDirection = 0; // Use this for initialization void Start () { } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { float myH = transform.position.y; float dstH = car.transform.position.y + heightDiff; float retH = Mathf.Lerp(myH, dstH, heightDamping * Time.deltaTime); float myAngle = transform.eulerAngles.y; float dstAngle = dstAngleWithDirection; float retAngle = Mathf.LerpAngle(myAngle, dstAngle, angleDamping * Time.deltaTime); Quaternion retRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, retAngle, 0); transform.position = car.transform.position; transform.position -= (retRotation * Vector3.forward * distance); Vector3 temp = transform.position; temp.y = retH; transform.position = temp; transform.LookAt(car.transform); } void FixedUpdate() { Vector3 v = car.rigidbody.velocity; //Vector3 faceDirection = car.transform.forward; //float dot = Vector3.Dot(v, faceDirection); // 点积 Vector3 carLocalV = car.transform.InverseTransformDirection(v); float dstAnleY = car.transform.eulerAngles.y; if ( carLocalV.z < -0.01f ) dstAngleWithDirection = dstAnleY + 180; else dstAngleWithDirection = dstAnleY; float speed = v.magnitude; camera.fieldOfView = defaultFOV + speed * zoomRatio; } }
2. 汽车的控制
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class CarMoveController : MonoBehaviour { public WheelCollider wheelFL; public WheelCollider wheelFR; public WheelCollider wheelRL; // rear left public WheelCollider wheelRR; public Transform wheelFLTransform; public Transform wheelFRTransform; public Transform wheelRLTransform; public Transform wheelRRTransform; public float MAXTORQUE = 50; public float MaxAngleAtLowSpeed = 10f; public float MaxAngleAtHighSpeed = 1f; public float maxBrakeTorque = 100f; public float slipForwardStiff = 0.04f; public float slipSteerStiff = 0.025f; public float initForwardStiff; public float initSteerStiff; // audio control public int gearCount = 4; public float minGearSoundPitch = 1.0f; public float maxGearSoundPitch = 3.0f; public AudioSource brakeAudioSource; public float highSpeed = 50; //private public float curSpeed; public int curGearLevel; private float initRotationFL = 0f; private float initRotationFR = 0f; private bool braked = false; private float MAX_VILOCITY_FOR_STEER = 40f; private float[] gearLevelSpeed; // Use this for initialization void Start () { Vector3 temp = rigidbody.centerOfMass; temp.y -= 0.8f; rigidbody.centerOfMass = temp; initForwardStiff = wheelRL.forwardFriction.stiffness; initSteerStiff = wheelRL.sidewaysFriction.stiffness; SeperateGearSpeedLevel(); } private void SeperateGearSpeedLevel() { float gearRange = highSpeed / gearCount; gearLevelSpeed = new float[gearCount + 1]; gearLevelSpeed[0] = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < gearCount; i ++) { gearLevelSpeed[i + 1] = gearRange * (i + 1); } } void FixedUpdate () { float v = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); float h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); curSpeed = rigidbody.velocity.magnitude; if( curSpeed < highSpeed ) { wheelRL.motorTorque = MAXTORQUE * v;//力矩 wheelRR.motorTorque = MAXTORQUE * v;//力矩 } else { wheelRL.motorTorque = 0;//力矩 wheelRR.motorTorque = 0;//力矩 } float speedFactor = rigidbody.velocity.magnitude / MAX_VILOCITY_FOR_STEER; float steerFacter = Mathf.Lerp(MaxAngleAtLowSpeed, MaxAngleAtHighSpeed, speedFactor); wheelFL.steerAngle = steerFacter * h; // 方向的偏移角度 wheelFR.steerAngle = steerFacter * h; HandBrake(); } private void HandBrake() { braked = false; if (Input.GetButton("Jump")) { braked = true; } if (braked) { wheelFL.brakeTorque = maxBrakeTorque; wheelFR.brakeTorque = maxBrakeTorque; wheelRL.motorTorque = 0; wheelRR.motorTorque = 0; SetWheelFrictionStiff(wheelRL, slipForwardStiff, slipSteerStiff); SetWheelFrictionStiff(wheelRR, slipForwardStiff, slipSteerStiff); } else { wheelFL.brakeTorque = 0; wheelFR.brakeTorque = 0; SetWheelFrictionStiff(wheelRL, initForwardStiff, initSteerStiff); SetWheelFrictionStiff(wheelRR, initForwardStiff, initSteerStiff); } } private void SetWheelFrictionStiff(WheelCollider wheelRL, float slipForwardStiff, float slipSteerStiff) { WheelFrictionCurve temp = wheelRL.forwardFriction; temp.stiffness = slipForwardStiff; wheelRL.forwardFriction = temp; temp = wheelRL.sidewaysFriction; temp.stiffness = slipSteerStiff; wheelRL.sidewaysFriction = temp; } void Update(){ initRotationFL += wheelFL.rpm * 360 * Time.deltaTime/ 60; initRotationFL = Mathf.Repeat(initRotationFL, 360); setFinalRotation(wheelFLTransform, initRotationFL, wheelFL.steerAngle); initRotationFR += wheelFR.rpm * 360 * Time.deltaTime/ 60; initRotationFR = Mathf.Repeat(initRotationFR, 360); setFinalRotation(wheelFRTransform, initRotationFR, wheelFR.steerAngle); //wheelFLTransform.Rotate(, 0, 0); // round per minute //wheelFRTransform.Rotate(wheelFR.rpm * 360 * Time.deltaTime/ 60, 0, 0); // round per minute wheelRLTransform.Rotate(wheelRL.rpm * 360 * Time.deltaTime/ 60, 0, 0); // round per minute wheelRRTransform.Rotate(wheelRR.rpm * 360 * Time.deltaTime/ 60, 0, 0); // round per minute // relative distance of wheel and car body SetWheelPos(wheelFRTransform, wheelFR); SetWheelPos(wheelFLTransform, wheelFL); SetWheelPos(wheelRRTransform, wheelRR); SetWheelPos(wheelRLTransform, wheelRL); EngineSound(curSpeed); } private void EngineSound(float curSpeed) { //gearLevelSpeed float gearMinSpeed = 0; float gearMaxSpeed = 20; for (int i = 0; i < gearLevelSpeed.Length; i ++) { if (curSpeed >= gearLevelSpeed[i] && curSpeed < gearLevelSpeed[i + 1] + 2) { gearMinSpeed = gearLevelSpeed[i]; gearMaxSpeed = gearLevelSpeed[i + 1]; curGearLevel = i; break; } } float ratio = (curSpeed - gearMinSpeed) / (gearMaxSpeed - gearMinSpeed); ratio = ratio > 1 ? 1 : ratio; audio.pitch = minGearSoundPitch + ratio * (maxGearSoundPitch - minGearSoundPitch); if (braked && curSpeed > 0.2f) { if (!brakeAudioSource.isPlaying) brakeAudioSource.Play(); } else { brakeAudioSource.Stop(); } } private void SetWheelPos(Transform wheelFRTransform, WheelCollider wheelFR) { RaycastHit hitPoint; bool isGrounded = Physics.Raycast(wheelFR.transform.position, -1 * wheelFR.transform.up, out hitPoint, wheelFR.radius + wheelFR.suspensionDistance); if (isGrounded) { if ((hitPoint.point - wheelFR.transform.position).sqrMagnitude < 0.16f) { wheelFRTransform.position = wheelFR.transform.position; } else { wheelFRTransform.position = hitPoint.point + wheelFR.transform.up * wheelFR.radius; } } else { wheelFRTransform.position = wheelFR.transform.position - wheelFR.transform.up * wheelFR.suspensionDistance; } } void setFinalRotation(Transform trans, float angle, float yAngle){ Vector3 ea = new Vector3(angle, yAngle, 0); trans.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(ea); } }