C++ Coding Standard
1 通用
Rule 1 编译的Warnings不能被忽略掉
Rule 2 在已有Code或者三方的code基础上的修改,允许使用原来的coding standard
Rule 3 如果允许C和C++都访问的相同的C的header 文件, extern C 必须在header文件里
#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* body of header */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif
2 命名规则
Rule4 所有名字的定义在16个字节范围内,最多不要超过31个
Rule5 名字的定义只有字母数字和下划线
Rule6 不要使用保留名字
Rule7 代码文件以.h, .c 结尾
Rule8 代码的文件格式必须保持UNIX file format
Rule9 文件名小写,当超过一个单词描述时,用下划线分隔
structured_data_display.h structured_data_display.c
Rule10 Typedefs, and enumerated types, structure types and union types 小写并用下划线分隔多个单词描述, 结尾应以type结尾
typedef UINT8 user_data_struct_type
Rule11 宏定义, Enum的值,必须大写并以下划线分隔多个单词
Rule12 函数名必须是动词并且小写和下划线分隔多个单词
handle_error check_for_error /* NOT errorCheck */
Rule13 全局变量必须以g开头并以下划线分隔单词
Rule14 函数的参数小写单词
void start_engine(engine_type* myengine, UINT8 engine_id, const UINT32* protected_data);
Rule15 structure的成员变量有以下规则
名字 | 标记 | 示例 |
static | s_ | static UINT8 s_some_number |
static | s_ | static UINT8 s_some_number |
constant | c_ | const UINT8 c_some_number |
cp_ | const user_data_type* cp_user_data |
3 Files
Rule16 每个include的必须有机制防止多重包含
#ifndef FOO_H #define FOO_H /* The rest of the file*/ #endif
Rule17 相对路径的linux文件不允许出现在#include里
// NOT ALLOWED #include <../foo/include/foo.h>
Rule18 头文件不允许有实现的代码
Rule19 每个头文件只include 其他有依赖的,包含相关定义的头文件,不include 全局性的头文件
Rule20 代码文件(.c)需要include 全局头文件以及相关头文件
4 代码风格和间隔
Rule21 在任何改动的文件都需要加上公司confidential的标识
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2011, Nollec Wireless CO. LTD. All Rights Reserved Revision History: Bug/Feature ID Author Modification Date Description ------------------ ------------------- ------------------ --------------------- BugID/FeatureID developer name YYYY/MM/DD brief discription ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Rule22 在任何改动或者新建的文件都需要加上公司confidential的标识
Rule23 Revision History 在Feature开发完成或Bug解决完成后必须更新
Rule24 所有的Comments必须用英文填写, 并且不能嵌入
Rule25 代码缩进的时候不要用Tab,用4个空格代替
(跟编辑器有关,可设置) void func() { if (something bad) { ... if (another thing bad) { } }
Rule26 Switch 必须有default
switch (testValue) { case VALUE_1: /* Body for case 1. */ break; case VALUE_2: /* Body for case 2. */ break; default: /* Body for default. */ break; }
Rule27 不要在 . 或-> 前后有空格
Rule28 变量的声明应尽量控制到小的范围内
Rule29 指针 * 应该紧跟类型之后, 地址 &应该在变量名之前
Rule30 变量常量定义一定要有意义,不要用magic number
x = 100*10+1; //NOT ALLOWEDnumber = 100*10+1;
Rule31 每个变量定义都要分行写,而且一定要给初值
Rule31 所有状态变量或者enum的变量要明确赋予其值
/* INCORRECT*/ if (cpCurrentState == CP_L3_STATE_TYPE_D1) { cpCurrentState++; } /*CORRECT*/ if (cp_currentState == CP_L3_STATE_TYPE_D1) { cp_currentState = CP_L3_STATE_TYPE_D2; }
Rule32 所有global的声明都要在一个header文件里
Rule33 常量声明需要有明确含义
(Does not meet requirements) #define ONE 1 #define TWO 2 (Meets requirements) #define NUM_LOOPS_FOR_AD_READ 4 #define NUM_SAMPLES_TAKEN 8
Rule34 一个constant不能付给另外一个constant
Rule35 NULL只用于指针的初始化和比较
Rule36 常量用在编译开关时候,一定要在编译控制的区域内
#define DEBUG 4 /* if undefined, disables debugging */ /* set to 1 - 4 for desired debugging level */ /* This usage of DEBUG in the for loop control statement is * allowed since the statement is fully enclosed within the * conditionally compiled section of code. */ #ifdef DEBUG for (i = 0; i < DEBUG; i++) { printf("i = %d\n", i); } #endif Example 31 - Example (Incorrect Usage) #define DEBUG 4 #ifdef DEBUG /* usage here is fine */ /* do something special */ #endif /* the code statement below is outside the segment controlled by * the #ifdef and therefore should NOT use DEBUG. */ for (i = 0; ((i < 5) && DEBUG); i++) { printf("i = %d\n", i); }
Rule37 #ifdef #endif 用于编译时要有足够的注释,而且#endif要有 //注释对应的#ifdef
Rule38 用typedef 而不是#define来定义类型
Rule39 The following types shall be defined in a global header file and shall be used in place of the C language int types:
? INT8: This type stores 8-bit signed numeric values. ? UINT8: This type stores 8-bit unsigned numeric values. ? INT16: This type stores 16-bit signed numeric values. ? UINT16: This type stores 16-bit unsigned numeric values. ? INT32: This type stores 32-bit signed numeric values. ? UINT32: This type stores 32-bit unsigned numeric values. ? BOOLEAN: Ideally, this type is an enumerated type that names the boolean values TRUE (1) and FALSE (0). However, some compilers may not store this efficiently. An alternative is typedef UINT8 BOOLEAN; That simply defines BOOLEAN as an 8-bit unsigned value which is distinct from UINT8. In this case, the constants TRUE and FALSE will have to be defined constants.
Rule31 一个函数应该只有一个return出口
Rule32 不要使用没有明确定义的参数
Rule33 函数return指针如果failure,则需要return NULL
Rule34 函数参数是单列数组不需要明确大小
(Correct Usage) void functionName ( UINT8 x[], /* array with "size" elements */ UINT8 size /* number of elements in x */ ); (Incorrect Usage) void functionName (UINT8 x[10]);
Rule35 任何宏定义的拓展需要加上括号来限定
(Correct): #define A_CONSTANT (ANOTHER_CONSTANT + 1) a = ACONSTANT * 2; (Incorrect): #define A_CONSTANT ANOTHER_CONSTANT + 1 a = ACONSTANT * 2;
Flow control, expressions
Rule36 Switch case必须要有break结束
Rule37 Switch default必须要有来控制以外情况
Rule38 不要使用Goto
Rule39 在比较的时候 左边要放常量
// NOT RECOMMENDED, imagine you forget one of the “=” signs If (PHONE == IS_RESET) { } // GOOD, the following statement eliminates the possible errors explained above // and easier to follow the value that you are looking for If (IS_RESET == PHONE) { }
Rule40 在使用else if的时候,else的部分需要加上
Rule41 if/else/while/for/do的区块无论一行还是多行,一定要加{}
// NOT RECOMMENDED if (something) if (something else) doThis(); else while (input) doThat(); // GOOD if (something) { if (something else) { doThis(); } else { while (input) { doThat(); } } }
Rule42 一定保证从调用函数分配的内存在使用完毕后释放内存, 一定在此调用函数注释提醒
Dangerous memory management error_code_type* myfunction(void) { error_code_type* p_temp = malloc (sizeof(error_code_type)); return p_temp; /* p_temp is never de-allocated and the user of myFunc cannot de-allocate*/ /* because a temporary copy of that instance is returned.*/ /* Calling user code shall take of the memory deallocating which will create*/ /* complexity and confusion*/ }
Rule43 在deference引用指针之前一定要对指针判定是否为NULL
UINT32* p_number = NULL;if (NULL == p_number){}
Rule44 编译器相关的扩展在有必要的时候使用
#ifdef _HC11_ #define DIRECT _direct_ram #else /* not _HC11_ */ #define DIRECT #endif /* nSize located in direct RAM in embedded, normal RAM in UNIX */ DIRECT UINT8 nSize;
Rule45 编译器相关的扩展在有必要的时候使用
Rule46 所有丢失性的类型转换要明确cast
INT8 signed_value; UINT16 long_value; UINT8 short_value; /* Loss here is in accuracy going from signed to unsigned */ signed_value= (UINT8) short_value; /* Loss here is in size, going from a 16 bit value to an 8 bit */ signed_value= (INT8) long_value;
Rule47 数组的访问只能用方括号的形式访问,不要使用deference * 来访问
/*INCORRECT*/ *(masterList + 10) = 0; /*CORRECT*/ masterList[10] = 0;
Rule48 在condition判定的情况尽量使用肯定逻辑