
打开Eclipse,Run--> Run Configurations,在Main class框里 输入 WSDL2Java 进行搜索,前提是你的工程里已加入axis的jar包,
src\\cfg\\test.wsdl -p com.xxx.xxx.xxx.client -t 
http://xxx:8080/xxx/xxx/xxx?wsdl -p com.xxx.xxx.xxx.client -t
这是比较简单的生成客户端代码参数,运行就可以,刷新工程,会与src同级的地方出现com.test.outsys.prod.client之前设置的包名 ,
    -h, --help
       print this message and exit
    -v, --verbose
       print informational messages
    -n, --noImports
       only generate code for the immediate WSDL document
    -O, --timeout <argument>
       timeout in seconds (default is 45, specify -1 to disable)
    -D, --Debug
       print debug information
    -W, --noWrapped
       turn off support for "wrapped" document/literal
    -q, --quiet
       do not print any informational or debug messages (except err
    -s, --server-side
       emit server-side bindings for web service
    -S, --skeletonDeploy <argument>
       deploy skeleton (true) or implementation (false) in deploy.w
       sdd.  Default is false.  Assumes --server-side.
    -N, --NStoPkg <argument>=<value>
       mapping of namespace to package
    -f, --fileNStoPkg <argument>
       file of NStoPkg mappings (default NStoPkg.properties)
    -p, --package <argument>
       override all namespace to package mappings, use this package
        name instead
    -o, --output <argument>
       output directory for emitted files
    -d, --deployScope <argument>
       add scope to deploy.wsdd: "Application", "Request", "Session
    -t, --testCase
       emit junit testcase class for web service
    -a, --all
       generate code for all elements, even unreferenced ones
    -T, --typeMappingVersion <argument>
       indicate 1.1 or 1.2.  The default is 1.1 (SOAP 1.1 JAX-RPC c
       ompliant.  1.2 indicates SOAP 1.1 encoded.)
    -F, --factory <argument>
       name of a custom class that implements GeneratorFactory inte
       rface (for extending Java generation functions)
    -H, --helperGen
       emits separate Helper classes for meta data
    -B, --buildFile
       emit Ant Buildfile for web service
    -U, --user <argument>
       username to access the WSDL-URI
    -P, --password <argument>
       password to access the WSDL-URI
    -X, --classpath
       additional classpath elements
    -i, --nsInclude <argument>
       include namespace in generated code
    -x, --nsExclude <argument>
       exclude namespace from generated code
    -c, --implementationClassName <argument>
       custom name of web service implementation
    -u, --allowInvalidURL
       emit file even if WSDL endpoint URL is not a valid URL
    -w, --wrapArrays
       Prefers building beans to straight arrays for wrapped XML ar
       ray types (defaults to off).
