/*** *tcscpy_s.inl - general implementation of _tcscpy_s * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * This file contains the general algorithm for strcpy_s and its variants. * ****/ _FUNC_PROLOGUE errno_t __cdecl _FUNC_NAME(_CHAR *_DEST, size_t _SIZE, const _CHAR *_SRC) { _CHAR *p; size_t available; /* validation section */ _VALIDATE_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); _VALIDATE_POINTER_RESET_STRING(_SRC, _DEST, _SIZE); p = _DEST; available = _SIZE; while ((*p++ = *_SRC++) != 0 && --available > 0) { } if (available == 0) { _RESET_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); _RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL(_DEST, _SIZE); } _FILL_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE, _SIZE - available + 1); _RETURN_NO_ERROR; }
int n = 6; char **argsmy = new char *[n]; int maxlen = 600; for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++) { argsmy[i] = new char [maxlen];// args[i]; } strcpy_s(argsmy[1],maxlen,"e"); strcpy_s(argsmy[2],maxlen,"Lzma_"); strcat_s(argsmy[2], 600, cTAppEncTop.getBitstreamFile()); strcpy_s(argsmy[3],maxlen,"-BS12"); strcpy_s(argsmy[4],maxlen,"-CN0"); strcpy_s(argsmy[5],maxlen,"-d15");
argsmy[2] = "Lzma_"; strcpy_s(argsmy[2],maxlen,"see");
argsmy[2] = "Lzma_"; //因为 argsmy[2] 是个指针。他指向一块分配的空间 ,长度 maxlen。
而这样赋值后,指针指向位置变了。而再strcpy_s(argsmy[2],maxlen,"see"); 实际上是将常数变量空间强制赋值。因此出问题。
strcpy_s 用法:errno_t strcpy_s( char *strDestination, size_t numberOfElements, const char *strSource ); template <size_t size> errno_t strcpy_s( char (&strDestination)[size], const char *strSource ); // C++ only
// crt_strcpy_s.cpp // This program uses strcpy_s and strcat_s // to build a phrase. // #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> int main( void ) { char string[80]; // using template versions of strcpy_s and strcat_s: strcpy_s( string, "Hello world from " ); strcat_s( string, "strcpy_s " ); strcat_s( string, "and " ); // of course we can supply the size explicitly if we want to: strcat_s( string, _countof(string), "strcat_s!" ); printf( "String = %s/n", string ); }