这个我写菜鸟系列之C/C++ 的第一篇文章
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首先我们定义二元查找树结点的数据结构如下 :
struct BSTreeNode // a node in the binary search tree { int m_nValue; // value of node BSTreeNode *m_pLeft; // left child of node BSTreeNode *m_pRight; // right child of node };
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Covert a sub binary-search-tree into a sorted double-linked list // Input: pNode - the head of the sub tree // asRight - whether pNode is the right child of its parent // Output: if asRight is true, return the least node in the sub-tree // else return the greatest node in the sub-tree /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BSTreeNode* ConvertNode(BSTreeNode* pNode, bool asRight) { if(!pNode) return NULL; BSTreeNode *pLeft = NULL; BSTreeNode *pRight = NULL; // Convert the left sub-tree if(pNode->m_pLeft) pLeft = ConvertNode(pNode->m_pLeft, false); // Connect the greatest node in the left sub-tree to the current node if(pLeft) { pLeft->m_pRight = pNode; pNode->m_pLeft = pLeft; } // Convert the right sub-tree if(pNode->m_pRight) pRight = ConvertNode(pNode->m_pRight, true); // Connect the least node in the right sub-tree to the current node if(pRight) { pNode->m_pRight = pRight; pRight->m_pLeft = pNode; } BSTreeNode *pTemp = pNode; // If the current node is the right child of its parent, // return the least node in the tree whose root is the current node if(asRight) { while(pTemp->m_pLeft) pTemp = pTemp->m_pLeft; } // If the current node is the left child of its parent, // return the greatest node in the tree whose root is the current node else { while(pTemp->m_pRight) pTemp = pTemp->m_pRight; } return pTemp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Covert a binary search tree into a sorted double-linked list // Input: the head of tree // Output: the head of sorted double-linked list /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BSTreeNode* Convert(BSTreeNode* pHeadOfTree) { // As we want to return the head of the sorted double-linked list, // we set the second parameter to be true return ConvertNode(pHeadOfTree, true); }思路二对应的代码:
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Covert a sub binary-search-tree into a sorted double-linked list // Input: pNode - the head of the sub tree // pLastNodeInList - the tail of the double-linked list /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ConvertNode(BSTreeNode* pNode, BSTreeNode*& pLastNodeInList) { if(pNode == NULL) return; BSTreeNode *pCurrent = pNode; // Convert the left sub-tree if (pCurrent->m_pLeft != NULL) ConvertNode(pCurrent->m_pLeft, pLastNodeInList); // Put the current node into the double-linked list pCurrent->m_pLeft = pLastNodeInList; if(pLastNodeInList != NULL) pLastNodeInList->m_pRight = pCurrent; pLastNodeInList = pCurrent; // Convert the right sub-tree if (pCurrent->m_pRight != NULL) ConvertNode(pCurrent->m_pRight, pLastNodeInList); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Covert a binary search tree into a sorted double-linked list // Input: pHeadOfTree - the head of tree // Output: the head of sorted double-linked list /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BSTreeNode* Convert_Solution1(BSTreeNode* pHeadOfTree) { BSTreeNode *pLastNodeInList = NULL; ConvertNode(pHeadOfTree, pLastNodeInList); // Get the head of the double-linked list BSTreeNode *pHeadOfList = pLastNodeInList; while(pHeadOfList && pHeadOfList->m_pLeft) pHeadOfList = pHeadOfList->m_pLeft; return pHeadOfList; }
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