Python: 纯文本转 PNG
字体方面, 我选用了YaHeiYt等宽字体(来源:, 效果一般, 具体见下图:
def text2png(text):
# Configurations:
adtexts = [u'---------------', u'广告太多是不对的!']
textcolor = "#000000"
adcolor = "#FF0000"
# Don't touch the code below
import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, uuid
# Build rich text for ads
ad = []
for adtext in adtexts:
ad += [(adtext.encode('gbk'), adcolor)]
# Wrap line for text
# Special treated Chinese characters
# Workaround By Felix Yan - 20110508
wraptext = [""]
l = 0
for i in text.decode('utf-8'):
fi = i.encode('gbk')
delta = len(fi)
if i == '\n':
wraptext += [""]
l = 0
elif l + delta > 40:
wraptext += [fi]
l = delta
wraptext[-1] += fi
l += delta
# Format wrapped lines to rich text
wrap = [(text, textcolor) for text in wraptext]
wrap += ad
# Draw picture
i ="RGB", (330, len(wrap) * 17 + 5), "#FFFFFF")
d = ImageDraw.Draw(i)
f = ImageFont.truetype("YaHeiYt.ttf", 16)
for num, (text, color) in enumerate(wrap):
d.text((2, 17 * num + 1), text.decode('gbk'), font = f, fill = color)
# Write result to a temp file
filename = uuid.uuid4().hex + ".png"
with open("/tmp/" + filename, "wb") as s:, "PNG")
return "/tmp/" + filename
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