SQLObject 1.1.0 发布

What's New

Features & Interface

* SelectResults (returned from .select()) is allowed in IN(column, list).

* A different workaround is used in SQLiteConnection to prevent PySQLite
from converting strings to unicode - in the case of a registered text
conversion function PySQLite silently converts empty strings to Nones;
now SQLObject uses text_factory instead and properly returns empty

* It is now possible to declare one encoding for all UnicodeCol's per
table (as sqlmeta.dbEncoding) or per connection (as connection.dbEncoding).
Default (if dbEncoding is found neither in column nor in table nor in
connection) is 'utf-8'.

Source code and internals

* Decorators @classmethod and @staticmethod are used everywhere.

* All 'mydict.has_key(name)' checks were replaced with 'name in mydict'.

For a more complete list, please see the news:
