Dotcloud 推出正式版,原内测用户可获一年专业版服务
Dotcloud 推出正式版了,网站的整个界面都变了,CLI也升级了,开始支持付费用户。
What is a service?
A service represents a given application or database, such as PHP, Ruby or MySQL. For example, if your plan includes 2 services, you can run an instance of Python and an instance of MySQL. If you wanted to use an additional runtime, such as PHP, you would need an additional service. Note that depending on your app’s architecture, you may want multiple instances of the same runtime, such as two instances of Python, each with their own URL. In this case, each Python runtime would count as a separate service.
那免费版了也就只能运行一个mysql和一个python,不过好像对open source的有优惠啥的。
99$/M 的专业版,没有其他服务可选,这不符合从小做到大的应用啦?看来我不适用了
by Ken
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