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- Java/Android引用类型及其使用分析
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- The server quit without updating PID file (/application/mysql/localhost.localdomain.pid).
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- android ksoap2 中把XML(DataSet) 当做参数传递
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- application/x-www-form-urlencoded
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- UIAutomation---IOS自动化测试的工具
- iOS开发之FMDB
- iOS 6与iOS 7的增量更新的区别
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- Android URI(通用资源标志符)的使用
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- android JB2连拍降速原理介绍
- Android 应用拍照
- Android开发了解——Dalvik
- Android安卓获取网络状态
- Java for LeetCode 042 Trapping Rain Water
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- 【Android 进阶】动态安装和删除root功能
- Android icon vs logo