Internet of Things Finance

The Internet of Things provides a host of opportunities for enterprises to introduce and integrate innovative connected devices, advanced analytics, and new cross-platform applications with enterprise systems. These innovations offer enterprises new and exciting capabilities to design and launch products with value-added services. Consequently, this creates further opportunities for enterprises to develop new business models, customer engagement structures and revenue streams. The broad-ranging impact of Enterprise IoT is set to change the rules of the game.

Enterprise IoT innovations will turn stand-alone products such as vehicles, white goods, consumer electronics, security systems and office equipment into
products with intelligent, highly integrated services. Through this process termed ‘servitization,’ enterprises will be able to create differentiated business models, enhance customer engagement and develop new commercial terms facilitated by products with integrated services. In the manner, the Enterprise IoT
has started to change the rules of the game.

In the future, service is fundamental and the major source of profit. Like the cloud service, resilience,scalability and efficency are also deemed the purpose for IoT. Not the bare devices, but the relation between them will create the value. While the value transmission among them, new business model can be created and bring new revenue. Imaging a collaboration between IoT and Finance, I call it an Internet of Things Finance. Unlike the current popular concept "internet finance", IoT Finance bring the physical world and digital world together, make the finance trasaction more accurate and effective. For instance, John Deere( and AGCO combine connected agricultural equipments with irrigation, soil, nutrition and climate, make predictions on that information for specific yield estimates and planting plans. Then the harvesting will affect Commodity futures in the stockmarket and vice versa. The IoT Finance make the finance action extend to the genuine physical things, not only online virtual trasaction. It will conduct finance automation and intelligence by integrating IoT tech into commodity economic activities. Not only break down stand-alone silos, but also create new business models.

The company who stubborn refusal to adapt the IoT hype will be thrown away by its competitors in a short future.


周明春  Samsung Electronics VD IoT Platform高级工程师,在物联网,云计算,移动通讯,网络安全和消息传递基础构架领域拥有超过9年的专业知识和经验。拥有丰富的企业消息传递基础构架开发,物联网、云、设备联接解决方案开发,以及成熟的管理软件和解决方案,如敏捷和DevOpts的开发经验。在国内首次提出SDT(softwaredefined Things)的IOT概念,拥有3项专利。


