package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "regexp" ) var ( ptnIndexItem = regexp.MustCompile(`<a target="_blank" href="(.+\.html)" title=".+" >(.+)</a>`) ptnContentRough = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s).*<div class="artcontent">(.*)<div id="zhanwei">.*`) ptnBrTag = regexp.MustCompile(`<br>`) ptnHTMLTag = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)</?.*?>`) ptnSpace = regexp.MustCompile(`(^\s+)|( )`) ) func Get(url string) (content string, statusCode int) { resp, err1 := http.Get(url) if err1 != nil { statusCode = -100 return } defer resp.Body.Close() data, err2 := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err2 != nil { statusCode = -200 return } statusCode = resp.StatusCode content = string(data) return } type IndexItem struct { url string title string } func findIndex(content string) (index []IndexItem, err error) { matches := ptnIndexItem.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, 10000) index = make([]IndexItem, len(matches)) for i, item := range matches { index[i] = IndexItem{"http://www.yifan100.com" + item[1], item[2]} } return } func readContent(url string) (content string) { raw, statusCode := Get(url) if statusCode != 200 { fmt.Print("Fail to get the raw data from", url, "\n") return } match := ptnContentRough.FindStringSubmatch(raw) if match != nil { content = match[1] } else { return } content = ptnBrTag.ReplaceAllString(content, "\r\n") content = ptnHTMLTag.ReplaceAllString(content, "") content = ptnSpace.ReplaceAllString(content, "") return } func main() { fmt.Println(`Get index ...`) s, statusCode := Get("http://www.yifan100.com/dir/15136/") if statusCode != 200 { return } index, _ := findIndex(s) fmt.Println(`Get contents and write to file ...`) for _, item := range index { fmt.Printf("Get content %s from %s and write to file.\n", item.title, item.url) fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.txt", item.title) content := readContent(item.url) ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, []byte(content), 0644) fmt.Printf("Finish writing to %s.\n", fileName) } }
1 golang 重视代码书写规范,或者说代码格式,很多地方写法比较固定,甚至比较麻烦。比如就算是if判断为真后的执行语句只有一句话,按照代码规范,也要写出带大括号的三行,而在Scala和很多其他语言中,一行就行;
2 golang 的strings包和regexp包提供的方法并不特别好用,特别是和Scala相比,使用起来感觉Scala的正则和字符串处理要舒服的多;
3 scala版的爬虫里面用到了Scala标准库中的实用类和方法,它们虽然不是语法组成,但用起来感觉像是语法糖,这里很多方法和函数式编程有关,golang的函数式编程还没有去仔细学习。