android.annotation cannot be resolved

As Artem suggested, you may need to include the annotations.jar file into your project, but note that there are two annotations.jar files in your Android SDK:

android-sdk/tools/support/annotations.jar - Which includes the following annotations:

  • SupportLint
  • TargetApi

android-sdk/extras/android/support/annotations/annotations.jar - Which includes many other annotations:

  • AnimRes
  • AnimatorRes
  • AnyRes
  • ArrayRes
  • AttrRes
  • BoolRes
  • ColorRes
  • DimenRes
  • DrawableRes
  • FractionRes
  • IdRes
  • IntDef
  • IntegerRes
  • InterpolatorRes
  • LayoutRes
  • MenuRes
  • NonNull
  • Nullable
  • PluralsRes
  • RawRes
  • StringDef
  • StringRes
  • StyleRes
  • StyleableRes
  • XmlRes
