Android自动化测试 - MonkeyRunner(三) 随手练习测试脚本
#coding=utf-8 import os import time #import MonkeyRunner three module from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice, MonkeyImage runComponent = "" path = ‘d:/pic/‘ logpath = ‘d:/log/‘ #new log file.txt log = open(logpath + ‘dest‘ + ".txt",‘w‘) #connection device device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() if not device: log.write(‘connection failed \n‘ ) sys.exit(1) else: log.write(‘connection passed \n‘) device.startActivity(component = runComponent) time.sleep(5)"logcat | grep ‘‘ > sdcard/destlog.txt") #os.system(‘‘‘adb logcat | findstr "" >> d:/log/logcat.txt‘‘‘) for i in range(3): #save log to file.txt log.write(‘start app....‘ + str(i) + ‘\n‘) desthome = device.takeSnapshot() desthome.writeToFile(path + ‘desthome‘ + str(i) + ‘.png‘,‘png‘) #import home pictures for comparing the results homeTure = MonkeyRunner.loadImageFromFile(‘d:/pic/Tdesthome.png‘) if(desthome.sameAs(homeTure,0.9)): print ‘desthome pic is the same \n‘ log.write (‘test passed \n‘) else: print ‘test byebye \n‘ log.write (‘test failed \n‘) #open userinfo device.touch(850,68,‘DOWN_AND_UP‘) time.sleep(2) userinfo = device.takeSnapshot() userinfo.writeToFile(path + ‘userinfo‘ + str(i) + ‘.png‘,‘png‘) ufoTure = MonkeyRunner.loadImageFromFile(‘d:/pic/Tuserinfo.png‘) if(userinfo.sameAs(ufoTure,0.75)): print ‘userinfo pic is the same \n‘ log.write (‘userinfo test passed \n‘) else: print ‘userinfo pic is not the same‘ log.write (‘userinfo test failed \n‘) #click mobile, into myinfo page device.touch(550,200,‘DOWN_AND_UP‘) time.sleep(2) myinfo = device.takeSnapshot() myinfo.writeToFile(path + ‘myinfo‘ + str(i) + ‘.png‘,‘png‘) device.drag((500,550),(300,250),0.5) time.sleep(2)‘KEYCODE_BACK‘,‘DOWN_AND_UP‘) time.sleep(2) device.touch(60,80,‘DOWN_AND_UP‘) time.sleep(2)