Appium Android Bootstrap源码分析之命令解析执行
Appium Android Bootstrap源码分析之命令解析执行
class AndroidCommandExecutor { private static HashMap<String, CommandHandler> map = new HashMap<String, CommandHandler>(); static { map.put("waitForIdle", new WaitForIdle()); map.put("clear", new Clear()); map.put("orientation", new Orientation()); map.put("swipe", new Swipe()); map.put("flick", new Flick()); map.put("drag", new Drag()); map.put("pinch", new Pinch()); map.put("click", new Click()); map.put("touchLongClick", new TouchLongClick()); map.put("touchDown", new TouchDown()); map.put("touchUp", new TouchUp()); map.put("touchMove", new TouchMove()); map.put("getText", new GetText()); map.put("setText", new SetText()); map.put("getName", new GetName()); map.put("getAttribute", new GetAttribute()); map.put("getDeviceSize", new GetDeviceSize()); map.put("scrollTo", new ScrollTo()); map.put("find", new Find()); map.put("getLocation", new GetLocation()); map.put("getSize", new GetSize()); map.put("wake", new Wake()); map.put("pressBack", new PressBack()); map.put("pressKeyCode", new PressKeyCode()); map.put("longPressKeyCode", new LongPressKeyCode()); map.put("takeScreenshot", new TakeScreenshot()); map.put("updateStrings", new UpdateStrings()); map.put("getDataDir", new GetDataDir()); map.put("performMultiPointerGesture", new MultiPointerGesture()); map.put("openNotification", new OpenNotification()); map.put("source", new Source()); map.put("compressedLayoutHierarchy", new CompressedLayoutHierarchy()); } |
public AndroidCommandResult execute(final AndroidCommand command) { try { Logger.debug("Got command action: " + command.action()); if (map.containsKey(command.action())) { return map.get(command.action()).execute(command); } else { return new AndroidCommandResult(WDStatus.UNKNOWN_COMMAND, "Unknown command: " + command.action()); } } catch (final JSONException e) { Logger.error("Could not decode action/params of command"); return new AndroidCommandResult(WDStatus.JSON_DECODER_ERROR, "Could not decode action/params of command, please check format!"); } } |
public class GetText extends CommandHandler { /* * @param command The {@link AndroidCommand} used for this handler. * * @return {@link AndroidCommandResult} * * @throws JSONException * * @see * bootstrap.AndroidCommand) */ @Override public AndroidCommandResult execute(final AndroidCommand command) throws JSONException { if (command.isElementCommand()) { // Only makes sense on an element try { final AndroidElement el = command.getElement(); return getSuccessResult(el.getText()); } catch (final UiObjectNotFoundException e) { return new AndroidCommandResult(WDStatus.NO_SUCH_ELEMENT, e.getMessage()); } catch (final Exception e) { // handle NullPointerException return getErrorResult("Unknown error"); } } else { return getErrorResult("Unable to get text without an element."); } } } |