4. 中国目前移动电子商务的发展情况
据艾瑞咨询的最新数据,移动电子商务已经占中国总移动互联网使用量的42 %,超越移动增值服务和手机游戏。与此形成鲜明对比的是无利可图的移动应用领域, PC厂商和企业家都正在完成对移动电子商务分一杯羹。
Interpretation of mobile e-commerce
Since 1990s, the electronic commerce(E-commerce) gains a huge development because of the popularity of Internet.Recently, people can gains information anywhere and anytime they are because ofthe popularity of the mobile phone and the mobile communication technology. Asa result, a new kind of electronic commerce which is called mobile commerce(M-commerce) is developed. M-commerce is a new model, which transfers data bycommunication network and engages in kinds of commercial activity by mobileterminal. Today, M-commerce is becoming more and more popular in the world.M-commerce research and application in China are in the elemental developingstage.
Thereis no doubt that the use of wireless and mobile networks and devices is growingall over the world. From the 1990s onwards, we have been a great shift inmethods of doing business with the emergence of the electronic commerce(E-commerce). Scholars, business men, and even individuals have been focusingon this new way of conducting business online. Advanced and mature wireless andmobile technologies facilitate E-commerce conducted from a wired network to awireless network. Mobile commerce can be viewed as a part of E-commerce andrefers to favorable transaction with monetary value that is conducted via amobile network.
When users use E-commerce such as E-bankingor purchase products, they do not need to use a personal computer system. Theycan simply use some mobile handheld devices such as Personal Digital Assistantsand mobile phones to conduct various E-commerce activities. In the past, thesemobile devices or technologies were regarded as a kind of expensive things forindividuals. However, this situation has changed. The market for mobiletechnologies has seen significant growth in the past few years .This iscreating a new opportunity for the growth of M-commerce. According to a studyconducted by Data monitor; global M-commerce revenues will amount to$61.7billion by 2010.It is obviously that the E-commerce has a bright future.
1. Basic concepts of E-commerce
M-commerce refers to any transactions, eitherdirect or indirect, with a monetary value implemented via a wirelesstelecommunication network.
2. The advantages and weakness of M-commerce
The advantages of using InternetE-commerce, efficiency, convenience, broader selections, competitive pricing,rich information, and diversity are well known. Consequently, the advances inmodern Internet E-commerce, including advertising, shopping, investing, bankingand other online services (E-mail, information seeking, etc.) have made itpossible for people to use the Internet in their daily lives. The number ofInternet users has continued to increase. Such Internet use will helpM-commerce development and applications. As with Electronic business, Mobilebusiness will increase transactions and probably increase profits for businessman and revenues for customer. Yet, limited understanding of the customers’demands and lack of technological infrastructure will be obstacles toM-commerce success. From the consumer perspective, the costs is typically oneof the most important concern in M-commerce usage. When transferring todifferent products or online services, consumers must deal with high costs.High cost will be one of essential factors considered by consumers whendeciding whether to use M-commerce.
InternetE-commerce also has weaknesses and there are many passive issues involvingmonetary transactions, product purchases and merchandise services. AlthoughInternet E-commerce has gradually come into use in many fields, a number ofusers are still worried about personal privacy and transaction security. Thesepassive issues will have a similar impact on M-commerce, because of the similarelectronic commerce mechanism. Limited and insufficient information is providedto M-commerce users because of the constraints of mobile terminals, mobilenetworks, and content. Without close examining, consumers will suffer potentialrisks. Thus, there are some key factors, such as business concerns, privacyprotection, security, and a risk free environment, which will decide if theM-commerce will be popular.
4.The development of MobileE-commerce in China
Mobilee-commerce is booming in China, so much so that traditional PC based e-commercesites are feeling the heat.
According to thelatest data from iResearch, mobile e-commerce already accounts for 42% ofChina’s total mobile internet usage, surpassing mobile value-added services andmobile games. In sharp contrast to the unprofitable mobile apps sector, PCmakers and entrepreneurs alike are completing for a slice of the mobilee-commerce pie.
In terms of themarket size and growth, mobile e-commerce is an exciting avenue. But almost alle-commerce companies are facing a problem: the conversion rate on mobileplatforms is much lower than on PCs. Furthermore, the cost of acquiring newcustomers is higher than that of PC terminals, while the per customertransaction size is lower. For example, one-third of traffic on Amazon’sChinese equivalent, Dangdang comes from mobile users, while only 1% of purchasescome from mobile users.
The question ofhow to transform mobile e-commerce sites from a browsing platform into thesales channel has been a persistent problem for all e-commerce companies. Whilelarge volumes of web traffic and large user numbers are sought after ine-commerce, additional benchmarks of user stickiness, user retention andactivity have been developed as new indices to measure the operationalcapability of e-commerce companies.
Many internetanalysts hold the view that in 2014, there will be fierce competition in themobile application market along with the further development in online mobileshopping. But the real contest is between the platform-based e-commercecompanies whose struggle, in effect, remains the theme of the whole e-commerceindustry.
5. Summary
From the articlesconcerning E-commerce, we can know the bright future of E-commerce. But weshould know M-commerce is still in its infancy and the study of E-commerceapplications are limited. The E-commerce develops rapidly and the we should domore study. Insufficient understanding of M-commerce and its applications willlower consumer intention to use it. More research, especially far-seeingresearch, should be done to help the E-commerce development.郑重声明:本站内容如果来自互联网及其他传播媒体,其版权均属原媒体及文章作者所有。转载目的在于传递更多信息及用于网络分享,并不代表本站赞同其观点和对其真实性负责,也不构成任何其他建议。