SQL 查询 之 union ,case ,group
union all
use myDB SELECT ‘大于20‘ as scope,count(*) as 人数 FROM student where age>=60 union all SELECT ‘小于20‘ as scope ,count(*) as 人数 FROM student where age<60
select sum(case when age >=18 and age <19 then 1 else 0 end) as f_cnt, sum(case when age >=19 and age <20 then 1 else 0 end) as s_cnt, sum(case when age >=20 then 1 else 0 end) as e_cnt from student select sum(case when age >=18 and age <19 then age else 0 end) as f_cnt, sum(case when age >=19 and age <20 then age else 0 end) as s_cnt, sum(case when age >=20 then age else 0 end) as e_cnt from student
/* 时间限定:2010-03-01到2010-05-01 客户代码 客户名称 期初销售数量(2010-03-01之前销售数) 期初销售金额(2010-03-01之前销售金额) 本期销售数量 本期销售金额 期末销售数量(2010-05-01之前销售数) 期末销售金额(2010-05-01之前销售数) */ use BSERP_ZB; select KEHU.KHDM as 客户代码, KEHU.KHMC as 客户名称 , SUM(case when RQ < ‘2013-05-01‘ then SL else 0 end) as 期初销售数量, SUM(case when RQ < ‘2013-05-01‘ then sl*DJ else 0 end)as 期初销售金额 , SUM(case when RQ between ‘2013-05-01‘ and ‘2013-07-01‘ then SL else 0 end) as 本期销售数量, SUM(case when RQ between ‘2013-05-01‘ and ‘2013-07-01‘ then sl*DJ else 0 end)as 本期销售金额, SUM(case when RQ < ‘2013-07-01‘ then SL else 0 end) as 期末销售数量, SUM(case when RQ <‘2013-07-01‘ then sl*DJ else 0 end)as 期末销售金额 from VW_PFXHMX ,KEHU,SHANGPIN where VW_PFXHMX.DM1= KEHU.KHDM and VW_PFXHMX.SPDM=SHANGPIN.SPDM group by KEHU.KHDM ,KEHU.KHMC;
/* 客户订单执行情况分析 客户代码 客户名称 计划订单数 VW_PFJRDMX.SL 终止订单数 VW_PFJRDMX.SL_3 有效订单数(订单数-停用数) 发货数 VW_PFXHMX.SL 欠货数(发货数-有效订单数) */ select KEHU.KHDM as 客户代码, KEHU.KHMC as 客户名称,sum(VW_PFJRDMX.SL) as 计划订单数,sum(SL_3) as 终止订单数,SUM(VW_PFJRDMX.SL-SL_3) as 有效订单数, sum(VW_PFXHMX.SL ) as 发货数 ,sum(VW_PFXHMX.SL-(VW_PFJRDMX.SL-SL_3)) as 欠货数 from VW_PFJRDMX,VW_PFXHMX ,KEHU where KEHU.KHDM=VW_PFJRDMX.DM1 and VW_PFJRDMX.SPDM=VW_PFXHMX.SPDM group by KEHU.KHDM , KEHU.KHMC ;
/* 批发对比统计 本期时间限定:2010-05-01到2010-05-31 上期时间限定:2010-04-01到2010-04-30 商品名称 商品代码 前期发货数 前期发货金额 本期发货数 本期发货金额 增长量:(本期发货金额-前期发货金额) 增长率:(本期发货金额-前期发货金额)*100/前期发货金额 */ select SHANGPIN.SPDM as 商品代码,SHANGPIN.SPMC as 商品名称, SUM(case when RQ between ‘2013-04-01‘ and ‘2013-04-30‘ then VW_PFXHMX.SL else 0 end) as 前期发货数, SUM(case when RQ between ‘2013-04-01‘ and ‘2013-04-30‘ then VW_PFXHMX.SL *DJ else 0 end) as 前期发货金额, SUM(case when RQ between ‘2013-05-01‘ and ‘2013-05-31‘ then VW_PFXHMX.SL else 0 end) as 本期发货数, SUM(case when RQ between ‘2013-05-01‘ and ‘2013-05-31‘ then VW_PFXHMX.SL *DJ else 0 end) as 本期发货金额 from VW_PFXHMX ,SHANGPIN where VW_PFXHMX.SPDM=SHANGPIN.SPDM group by SHANGPIN.SPDM,SHANGPIN.SPMC ;