如何使用Ubuntu SDK中的Download Manager来下载文件
对于一下应用来说,我们需要使用网路上的一下文件,并下载它们。那么我们怎么在QML应用中来下载文件呢?我们在SDK API的网页中,我们发现有一个叫做Download Manager的API。我们可以使用SingleDownload或DownloadManager来下载一个或多个文件。
首先,我们来创建一个简单的Download应用。这里我们使用“QML app with Simple UI (qmlproject)”。对于大家不熟悉Download Manager的开发者来说,我们可以使用如下的方法得到它更加详细的接口:
$qmlplugindump Ubuntu.DownloadManager 0.1
import QtQuick.tooling 1.1 // This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library. // It is used for QML tooling purposes only. // // This file was auto-generated by: // 'qmlplugindump Ubuntu.DownloadManager 0.1' Module { Component { name: "Ubuntu::DownloadManager::DownloadError" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["Error 0.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Property { name: "type"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "message"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "Ubuntu::DownloadManager::Metadata" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["Metadata 0.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Property { name: "title"; type: "string" } Property { name: "showInIndicator"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "deflate"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "extract"; type: "bool" } Signal { name: "showIndicatorChanged" } } Component { name: "Ubuntu::DownloadManager::SingleDownload" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["SingleDownload 0.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Property { name: "autoStart"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "errorMessage"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "isCompleted"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "downloadInProgress"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "allowMobileDownload"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "throttle"; type: "qulonglong" } Property { name: "progress"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "downloading"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "downloadId"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "headers"; type: "QVariantMap" } Property { name: "metadata"; type: "Ubuntu::DownloadManager::Metadata"; isPointer: true } Signal { name: "canceled" Parameter { name: "success"; type: "bool" } } Signal { name: "finished" Parameter { name: "path"; type: "string" } } Signal { name: "paused" Parameter { name: "success"; type: "bool" } } Signal { name: "processing" Parameter { name: "path"; type: "string" } } Signal { name: "progressReceived" Parameter { name: "received"; type: "qulonglong" } Parameter { name: "total"; type: "qulonglong" } } Signal { name: "resumed" Parameter { name: "success"; type: "bool" } } Signal { name: "started" Parameter { name: "success"; type: "bool" } } Signal { name: "errorFound" Parameter { name: "error"; type: "DownloadError&" } } Signal { name: "errorChanged" } Method { name: "registerError" Parameter { name: "error"; type: "Error"; isPointer: true } } Method { name: "bindDownload" Parameter { name: "download"; type: "Download"; isPointer: true } } Method { name: "unbindDownload" Parameter { name: "download"; type: "Download"; isPointer: true } } Method { name: "onFinished" Parameter { name: "path"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "onProgress" Parameter { name: "received"; type: "qulonglong" } Parameter { name: "total"; type: "qulonglong" } } Method { name: "onPaused" Parameter { name: "wasPaused"; type: "bool" } } Method { name: "onResumed" Parameter { name: "wasResumed"; type: "bool" } } Method { name: "onStarted" Parameter { name: "wasStarted"; type: "bool" } } Method { name: "onCanceled" Parameter { name: "wasCanceled"; type: "bool" } } Method { name: "start" } Method { name: "pause" } Method { name: "resume" } Method { name: "cancel" } Method { name: "download" Parameter { name: "url"; type: "string" } } } Component { name: "Ubuntu::DownloadManager::UbuntuDownloadManager" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["DownloadManager 0.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Property { name: "autoStart"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "cleanDownloads"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "errorMessage"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "downloads"; type: "QVariantList"; isReadonly: true } Signal { name: "errorChanged" } Method { name: "download" Parameter { name: "url"; type: "string" } } } }
import QtQuick 2.0 import Ubuntu.Components 1.1 import Ubuntu.DownloadManager 0.1 /*! \brief MainView with a Label and Button elements. */ MainView { // objectName for functional testing purposes (autopilot-qt5) objectName: "mainView" // Note! applicationName needs to match the "name" field of the click manifest applicationName: "download.liu-xiao-guo" /* This property enables the application to change orientation when the device is rotated. The default is false. */ //automaticOrientation: true // Removes the old toolbar and enables new features of the new header. useDeprecatedToolbar: false width: units.gu(50) height: units.gu(75) Page { title: i18n.tr("Download") Rectangle { width: parent.width height: units.gu(20) TextField { id: text placeholderText: "File URL to download..." height: units.gu(5) anchors { left: parent.left right: button.left rightMargin: units.gu(2) } text: "http://bbs.unpcn.com/attachment.aspx?attachmentid=3820584" } Button { id: button text: "Download" height: 50 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.verticalCenter: text.verticalCenter onClicked: { single.download(text.text); } } TextField { id: downloaded placeholderText: "Downloaded file address" height: 100 anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right top: button.bottom rightMargin: units.gu(2) topMargin: units.gu(1) } } ProgressBar { id: progress minimumValue: 0 maximumValue: 100 value: single.progress anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right bottom: parent.bottom } SingleDownload { id: single onFinished: { downloaded.text = path; console.log("downloaded path: " + path); } } } Image { anchors.top: progress.bottom source: downloaded.text } } } }
所有的源码在:git clone https://gitcafe.com/ubuntu/download.git