$ mkfifo <filename>
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> int mkfifo(const char *pathname, mode_t mode);
匿名管道 VS. 命名管道
1) 匿名管道由pipe函数创建并打开。
2) FIFO(命名管道)与pipe(匿名管道)之间唯一的区别在它们创建与打开的方式不同,一但这些工作完成之后,它们具有相同的语义。
O_NONBLOCK disable(阻塞):阻塞直到有相应进程为写而打开该FIFO
O_NONBLOCK enable(非阻塞):立刻返回成功
O_NONBLOCK disable:阻塞直到有相应进程为读而打开该FIFO
O_NONBLOCK enable:立刻返回失败,错误码为ENXIO
/**说明:利用管道,两个进程间进行文件复制。 进程writefifo: 读input.txt文件 写入管道fifo 进程readfifo: 读管道fifo 写入output.txt文件 */
//1:writefifo //write fifo, read from file int main() { //创建FIFO if (mkfifo("./myFifo",0644) == -1) { err_exit("mkfifo error"); } //打开管道 int fifofd = open("./myFifo",O_WRONLY); if (fifofd == -1) { err_exit("open fifo error"); } //打开文件 int filefd = open("./input.txt",O_RDONLY); if (filefd == -1) { err_exit("open file error"); } //const int BUFSIZ = 1024; char buf[BUFSIZ]; int readCount = 0; while ((readCount = read(filefd,buf,BUFSIZ)) > 0) { write(fifofd,buf,readCount); } close(fifofd); close(filefd); cout << "Write FIFO OK..." << endl; return 0; }
//2:readfifo //read fifo, write to file int main() { //打开FIFO int fifofd = open("./myFifo",O_RDONLY); if (fifofd == -1) { err_exit("open fifo error"); } //打开文件 int filefd = open("./output.txt",O_WRONLY|O_CREAT,0644); if (filefd == -1) { err_exit("open file error"); } char buf[BUFSIZ]; int readCount = 0; while ((readCount = read(fifofd,buf,BUFSIZ)) > 0) { write(filefd,buf,readCount); } close(fifofd); close(filefd); cout << "Read FIFO OK..." << endl; return 0; }
附-FIFO手册页(man 3 mkfifo)
MKFIFO(3) Linux Programmer‘s Manual MKFIFO(3) NAME mkfifo - make a FIFO special file (a named pipe) SYNOPSIS #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> int mkfifo(const char *pathname, mode_t mode); DESCRIPTION mkfifo() makes a FIFO special file with name pathname. mode specifies the FIFO‘s permissions. It is modified by the process‘s umask in the usual way: the permissions of the created file are (mode & ~umask). A FIFO special file is similar to a pipe, except that it is created in a different way. Instead of being an anonymous communications channel, a FIFO special file is entered into the filesystem by calling mkfifo(). Once you have created a FIFO special file in this way, any process can open it for reading or writing, in the same way as an ordinary file. However, it has to be open at both ends simultaneously before you can proceed to do any input or output operations on it. Opening a FIFO for reading normally blocks until some other process opens the same FIFO for writing, and vice versa. See fifo(7) for nonblocking handling of FIFO special files. RETURN VALUE On success mkfifo() returns 0. In the case of an error, -1 is returned (in which case, errno is set appropriately).