Operations on {@link java.lang.String} that are 29 * null
32 *
- IsEmpty/IsBlank 33 * - checks if a String contains text 34 *
- Trim/Strip 35 * - removes leading and trailing whitespace 36 *
- Equals 37 * - compares two strings null-safe 38 *
- startsWith 39 * - check if a String starts with a prefix null-safe 40 *
- endsWith 41 * - check if a String ends with a suffix null-safe 42 *
- IndexOf/LastIndexOf/Contains 43 * - null-safe index-of checks 44 *
- IndexOfAny/LastIndexOfAny/IndexOfAnyBut/LastIndexOfAnyBut 45 * - index-of any of a set of Strings 46 *
- ContainsOnly/ContainsNone/ContainsAny 47 * - does String contains only/none/any of these characters 48 *
- Substring/Left/Right/Mid 49 * - null-safe substring extractions 50 *
- SubstringBefore/SubstringAfter/SubstringBetween 51 * - substring extraction relative to other strings 52 *
- Split/Join 53 * - splits a String into an array of substrings and vice versa 54 *
- Remove/Delete 55 * - removes part of a String 56 *
- Replace/Overlay 57 * - Searches a String and replaces one String with another 58 *
- Chomp/Chop 59 * - removes the last part of a String 60 *
- LeftPad/RightPad/Center/Repeat 61 * - pads a String