在borland c++ builder 中使用 google test (gtest)

google test version: 1.6

c++ builder version: xe6


1 download google test 1.6 

2 unzip the zip file. The project file for c++ build is in codegear folder

3 complie gtest.lib and gtest_main.lib, do not do anything with gtest_unittest project (cause there might be error.)

4 set up a sample test project (console application)


     gtest_src      put files of src folder of Gtest here

     include        put files of include folder of Gtest here

     lib               put gtest.lib and gtest_main.lib here

     testSrc        put the test src here

5 it is ok.  

check the sample project and the Gtest framework at  (http://download.csdn.net/detail/williamwood/7891585)

