sort简单使用 struct Record { string name; // ... }; struct name_compare { // compare Records using "name" as the key bool operator()(const Record& a, const Record& b) const { return a.name<b.name; } }; void f(vector<Record>& vs) { sort(vs.begin(), vs.end(), name_compare()); // ... }
delete后自动赋值为0的模板函数 template<class T> inline void destroy(T*& p) { delete p; p = 0; }
整数转字符串 #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<sstream> using namespace std; string itos(int i) // convert int to string { stringstream s; s << i; return s.str(); } int main() { int i = 127; string ss = itos(i); const char* p = ss.c_str(); cout << ss << " " << p << "\n"; }
以上代码来自网上以及自己编写 |
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