dynamic_cast <new_type> (expression)
与static_cast一样,dynamic_cast的转换也需要目标类型和源对象有一定的关系:继承关系。 更准确的说,dynamic_cast是用来检查两者是否有继承关系。因此该运算符实际上只接受基于类对象的指针和引用的类转换。从这个方面来看,似乎dynamic_cast又和reinterpret_cast是一致的,但实际上,它们还是存在着很大的差别。
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cast_operator_comparison.cpp // Language: C++ // Complier: Visual Studio 2010, Xcode3.2.6 // Platform: MacBook Pro 2010 // Application: none // Author: Ider, Syracuse University [email protected] /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Parents { public: Parents(string n="Parent"){ name = n;} virtual ~Parents(){} virtual void Speak() { cout << "\tI am " << name << ", I love my children." << endl; } void Work() { cout << "\tI am " << name <<", I need to work for my family." << endl;; } protected: string name; }; class Children : public Parents { public: Children(string n="Child"):Parents(n){ } virtual ~Children(){} virtual void Speak() { cout << "\tI am " << name << ", I love my parents." << endl; } /* **Children inherit Work() method from parents, **it could be treated like part-time job. */ void Study() { cout << "\tI am " << name << ", I need to study for future." << endl;; } private: //string name; //Inherit "name" member from Parents }; class Stranger { public: Stranger(string n="stranger"){name = n;} virtual ~Stranger(){} void Self_Introduce() { cout << "\tI am a stranger" << endl; } void Speak() { //cout << "I am a stranger" << endl; cout << "\tDo not talk to "<< name << ", who is a stranger." << endl; } private: string name; }; int main() { /******* cast from child class to base class *******/ cout << "dynamic_cast from child class to base class:" << endl; Children * daughter_d = new Children("Daughter who pretend to be my mother"); Parents * mother_d = dynamic_cast<Parents*> (daughter_d); //right, cast with polymorphism mother_d->Speak(); mother_d->Work(); //mother_d->Study(); //Error, no such method cout << "static_cast from child class to base class:" << endl; Children * son_s = new Children("Son who pretend to be my father"); Parents * father_s = static_cast<Parents*> (son_s); //right, cast with polymorphism father_s->Speak(); father_s->Work(); //father_s->Study(); //Error, no such method cout << endl; /******* cast from base class to child class *******/ cout << "dynamic_cast from base class to child class:" << endl; Parents * father_d = new Parents("Father who pretend to be a my son"); Children * son_d = dynamic_cast<Children*> (father_d); //no error, but not safe if (son_d) { son_d->Speak(); son_d->Study(); } else cout << "\t[null]" << endl; cout << "static_cast from base class to child class:" << endl; Parents * mother_s = new Parents("Mother who pretend to be a my daugher"); Children * daughter_s = static_cast<Children*> (mother_s); //no error, but not safe if (daughter_s) { daughter_s->Speak(); daughter_s->Study(); } else cout << "\t[null]" << endl; cout << endl; /******* cast between non-related class *******/ cout << "dynamic_cast to non-related class:" << endl; Stranger* stranger_d = dynamic_cast<Stranger*> (daughter_d); if (stranger_d) { stranger_d->Self_Introduce(); stranger_d->Speak(); } else cout <<"\t[null]"<<endl; //Stranger* stranger_s = static_cast<Stranger*> (son_s); //Error, invalid cast cout << "reinterpret_cast to non-related class:" << endl; Stranger* stranger_r = reinterpret_cast<Stranger*> (son_s); if (stranger_r) { stranger_d->Self_Introduce(); //stranger_d->Speak(); //This line would cause program crush, //as "name" could not be found corretly. } else cout << "\t[null]" << endl; cout << endl; /******* cast back*******/ cout << "use dynamic_cast to cast back from static_cast:" << endl; Children* child_s = dynamic_cast<Children*> (father_s); if (child_s) { child_s->Speak(); child_s->Work(); } else cout << "\t[null]" << endl; //cout<<typeid(stranger_r).name()<<endl; cout << "use dynamic_cast to cast back from reinterpret_cast:" << endl; Children* child_r = dynamic_cast<Children*> (stranger_r); if (child_r) { child_r->Speak(); child_r->Work(); } else cout << "\t[null]" << endl; delete daughter_d; delete son_s; delete father_d; delete mother_s; return 0; } /********************* Result *********************/ //dynamic_cast from child class to base class: // I am Daughter who pretend to be my mother, I love my parents. // I am Daughter who pretend to be my mother, I need to work for my family. //static_cast from child class to base class: // I am Son who pretend to be my father, I love my parents. // I am Son who pretend to be my father, I need to work for my family. // //dynamic_cast from base class to child class: // [null] //static_cast from base class to child class: // I am Mother who pretend to be a my daugher, I love my children. // I am Mother who pretend to be a my daugher, I need to study for future. // //dynamic_cast to non-related class: // [null] //reinterpret_cast to non-related class: // I am a stranger // //use dynamic_cast to cast back from static_cast: // I am Son who pretend to be my father, I love my parents. // I am Son who pretend to be my father, I need to work for my family. //use dynamic_cast to cast back from reinterpret_cast: // [null]
而从基类到子类的转换,static_cast和dynamic_cast 都是成功的,但是正确性方面,我对两者的结果都先进行了是否非空的判别:dynamic_cast的结果显示是空指针,而static_cast则是非空 指针。但很显然,static_cast的结果应该算是错误的,子类指针实际所指的是基类的对象,而基类对象并不具有子类的Study()方法(除非妈妈 又想去接受个"继续教育")。
reinterpret_cast成功进行了转换,而且返回的值并不是空指针,但是结果显然是错误的,因为Children类显然不具有 Stranger的Self_Introduce()。虽然两者都具有name数据成员和Speak()方法,,Speak()方法也只是调用了该相同名 称的成员而已,但是对于Speak()的调用直接造成了程序的崩溃。
其实前面static_cast的转换的结果也会跟reinterpret_cast一样造成的程序的崩溃,只是类的方法都只有一份,只有数据成员属于对象, 所以在调用那些不会访问对象的数据的方法时(如Stranger的Self_Introduce())并不会造成崩溃。而 daughter_s->Speak();和daughter_s->Study();调用了数据成员却没有出现运行错误,则是因为该成员是 从基类继承下来的,通过地址偏移可以正确的到达数据成员所在的地址以读取出数据。
最后,程序里还用dynamic_cast希望把用其他转换运算符转换过去的指针转换回来。 对于使用static_cast转换后指向了子类对象的基类指针,dynamic_cast判定转换是合理有效的,因此转换成功获得一个非空的指针并且正 确输出了结果;而对于reinterpret_cast转换的类型,的确如它的功能一样——重新解析,变成新的类型,所以才得到dynamic_cast 判定该类型已经不是原来的类型结果,转换得到了一个空指针。
总得说来,static_cast和reinterpret_cast运算符要么直接被 编译器拒绝进行转换,要么就一定会得到相应的目标类型的值。 而dynamic_cast却会进行判别,确定源指针所指的内容,是否真的合适被目标指针接受。如果是否定的,那么dynamic_cast则会返回 null。这是通过检查"运行期类型信息"(Runtime type information,RTTI)来判定的,它还受到编译器的影响,有些编译器需要设置开启才能让程序正确运行(导师的PPT详细介绍了Visual Studio的情况),因此dynamic_cast也就不能用传统的转换方式来实现了。
虚函数(virtual function)对dynamic_cast的作用
实际上,这一切都是虚函数(virtual function)在起作用。
在C++的面对对象思想中,虚函数起到了很关键的作用,当一个类中拥有至少一个虚函数,那么编译器就会构建出一个虚函数表(virtual method table)来指示这些函数的地址,假如继承该类的子类定义并实现了一个同名并具有同样函数签名(function siguature)的方法重写了基类中的方法,那么虚函数表会将该函数指向新的地址。此时多态性就体现出来了:当我们将基类的指针或引用指向子类的对象的时候,调用方法时,就会顺着虚函数表找到对应子类的方法而非基类的方法。
假如去掉上个例子中Stranger类析构函数前的virtual,那么语句Children* child_r = dynamic_cast<Children*> (stranger_r);
- C++ Language Tutorial - Type Casting
- Object Oriented Design
- IBM Complilers - XL C/C++ V9.0 for Linux - The dynamic_cast operator (C++ only)
- MSDN Visual C++ Develope Center - dynamic_cast Operator
- In C++, what’s a virtual destructor and when is it needed?
- Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia - Run-Time Type Information
- Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia - Virtual Function