【.NET 4.5】新增的 Prefer 32-bit target platform
这本来是一个很小的feature并且也没有什么模糊的地方,关键是VS把这个设置成了默认值,当默认为Any CPU的时候,application会被编译成32-bit mode.
下边是我遇到的问题,在64-bit OS上,使用VS2013创建基于.net 4.5的console 工程,代码如下:
// Software\Wow6432Node\mytest default value is 0 var x86path = @"Software\Wow6432Node\mytest"; // Software\mytest default value is 1 var x64path = @"Software\mytest"; Console.WriteLine(Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(x86path).GetValue("").ToString()); // output is 0 Console.WriteLine(Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(x64path).GetValue("").ToString()); // output is 0
Console.WriteLine(Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(x64path).GetValue("").ToString()); 希望的输出是1,最终输出0. 为什么呢?答案在MSDN中:
anycpu (default) compiles your assembly to run on any platform. Your application runs as a 64-bit process whenever possible and falls back to 32-bit when only that mode is available.
anycpu32bitpreferred compiles your assembly to run on any platform. Your application runs in 32-bit mode on systems that support both 64-bit and 32-bit applications. You can specify this option only for projects that target the .NET Framework 4.5.
x86 compiles your assembly to be run by the 32-bit, x86-compatible common language runtime.
很显然,anycpu32bitpreferred 就是把application编译成了一个可以在ARM/X64/X86/Itanium下运行的x86 application。这一点算是一个增强,但不应该是一个默认值。
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- 64-bit and 32-bit tips:
- On a 64-bit Windows system, both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of system DLLs are stored. The 64-bit DLLs are in C:\Windows\System32, and the 32-bit DLLs are in C:\Windows\SysWOW64.
- When a 32-bit process opens a file in C:\Program Files, it actually reads/writes to C:\Program Files (x86).
- There are separate views of (most of) the registry for 32-bit and 64-bit applications. You can change the 64-bit registry location and it wouldn’t be visible to 32-bit applications.