






<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
	<title>Ext.ux.window.Notification - Examples and documentation</title>

	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../ext-4.0.2/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
	<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext-4.0.2/bootstrap.js"></script>
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	<link href="style/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/notification.js"> </script>


<div id="instructionsDiv" class="x-hide-display" style="padding: 10px">

	<div style="float: left; width: 45%; margin-right: 5px">
		<h3>Notification extension for Ext JS 4.0.2+ (version: 2.1.3)</h3>
			<li>多个栈管理器和通知<br />

	<div style="width: 45%; float: right">
			<li>包括: <a href="Notification.js">Notification.js</a><br /> </li>
.ux-notification-window .x-window-body {
	text-align: center;
	padding: 15px 5px 15px 5px;

			<li>如果你想添加图标窗口标题你可以包括<a href="images/icon16_info.png">info</a>and<a href="images/icon16_error.png">error</a>图标和添加这个css样式表:<br/>
.ux-notification-icon-information {
	background-image: url(‘images/icon16_info.png‘);
.ux-notification-icon-error {
	background-image: url(‘images/icon16_error.png‘);
				然后设置iconCls属性“ux-notification-icon-information”或“ux-notification-icon-error”启用通知上的图标。<br /> 
			<li>如果你想风格然后通知如下演示2中包括<a href="images/fader.png">fader.png</a> 并添加css样式表如下:<br/>
.ux-notification-light .x-window-header {
	background-color: transparent;
body .ux-notification-light {
	background-image: url(‘images/fader.png‘);
.ux-notification-light .x-window-body {
	text-align: center;
	padding: 15px 5px 20px 5px;
	background-color: transparent;
	border: 0px solid white;
				然后设置cls属性“ux-notification-light”。 注意,这个样式有点新浏览器和不同 >=IE8.<br /> 




#instructions ul li {
	margin:0px 0px 0px 20px;

	/* Icons */
.ux-notification-icon-information {
	background-image: url(‘../images/icon16_info.png‘);

.ux-notification-icon-error {
	background-image: url(‘../images/icon16_error.png‘);

/* Using standard theme */
.ux-notification-window .x-window-body {
	text-align: center;
	padding: 15px 5px 15px 5px;

/* Custom styling */
.ux-notification-light .x-window-header {
	background-color: transparent;

body .ux-notification-light {
	background-image: url(‘../images/fader.png‘);

.ux-notification-light .x-window-body {
	text-align: center;
	padding: 15px 5px 20px 5px;
	background-color: transparent;
	border: 0px solid white;


			enabled: true

		var reusable = null;

			name: ‘NotificationDemo‘,
			paths: {
				‘Ext.ux.window‘: ‘.‘
			requires: [
			launch: function() {
				Ext.create(‘Ext.container.Viewport‘, {
					layout: ‘fit‘,
					title: ‘Ext.ux.window.Notification - 示例 和文档‘,
					items: [{
						layout: ‘border‘,
						id: ‘fullscreen‘,
						items: [{
							xtype: ‘panel‘,
							region: ‘north‘,
							layout: ‘fit‘,
							title: ‘说明‘,
							contentEl: ‘instructionsDiv‘,
							id: ‘instructions‘,
							height: ‘40%‘,
							autoScroll: true
							xtype: ‘panel‘,
							region: ‘west‘,
							layout: ‘fit‘,
							title: ‘Demo 1 - 标准主题‘,
							width: ‘50%‘,
							items: [{
								xtype: ‘panel‘,
								id: ‘demo1‘,
								border: false,
								padding: 20,
								items: [{
									xtype: ‘button‘,
									iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
									text: ‘BR - autoCloseDelay‘,
									handler: function () {
										Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, {
											title: ‘Notification‘,		//标题
											position: ‘br‘,				//弹出起始位置
											manager: ‘demo1‘,		//组管理器
											iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
											autoCloseDelay: 3000,//延时多久自动关闭弹出框
											spacing: 40,				//弹出框的间距
											html: ‘Entering from the component\‘s br corner. 3000 milliseconds autoCloseDelay.<br />Increasd spacing.‘
										Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, {
											title: ‘Notification‘,
											position: ‘br‘,
											manager: ‘demo1‘,
											iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-error‘,
											autoCloseDelay: 3000,
											spacing: 20,
											html: ‘Entering from the component\‘s br corner. 3000 milliseconds autoCloseDelay.<br />Increased spacing.‘
										Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, {
											title: ‘Notification‘,
											position: ‘br‘,
											manager: ‘demo1‘,
											iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
											autoCloseDelay: 3000,
											spacing: 20,
											html: ‘Entering from the component\‘s br corner. 3000 milliseconds autoCloseDelay.<br />Increased spacing.‘
									xtype: ‘component‘,
									border: false,
									padding: 5
									xtype: ‘button‘,
									iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
									text: ‘BL - stickOnClick‘,
									handler: function () {
										Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, {
											title: ‘Notification‘,
											corner: ‘bl‘,
											stickOnClick: false,
											manager: ‘demo1‘,
											iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
											html: ‘Entering from the component\‘s bl corner. stickOnClick set to false.‘
									xtype: ‘component‘,
									border: false,
									padding: 5
									xtype: ‘button‘,
									iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
									text: ‘B - stickWhileHover‘,
									handler: function () {
										Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, {
											title: ‘Notification‘,
											position: ‘b‘,
											manager: ‘demo1‘,
											stickWhileHover: false,
											iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
											html: ‘Entering from the component\‘s b edge. stickWhileHover set to false.‘
									xtype: ‘component‘,
									border: false,
									padding: 5
									xtype: ‘button‘,
									iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
									text: ‘TL - useXAxis‘,
									handler: function () {
										Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, {
											title: ‘Notification‘,
											position: ‘tl‘,
											manager: ‘demo1‘,
											useXAxis: true,
											iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
											html: ‘Entering from the component\‘s tl corner. Using the x-axis.‘
									xtype: ‘component‘,
									border: false,
									padding: 5
									xtype: ‘button‘,
									iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
									text: ‘BR - reuse‘,
									handler: function () {
										if (!reusable) {
											reusable = Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, {
												title: ‘Notification‘,
												closeAction: ‘hide‘,
												position: ‘br‘,
												manager: ‘demo1‘,
												useXAxis: false,
												iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘
										reusable.update(‘Entering from the component\‘s bl corner. Reusing a single notification with closeAction set to hide.<br />Random number: ‘ + Math.floor(Math.random()*10000));
							xtype: ‘panel‘,
							region: ‘center‘,
							title: ‘Demo 2 - Styled‘,
							items: [{
								xtype: ‘panel‘,
								id: ‘demo2‘,
								border: false,
								padding: 20,
								items: [{
									xtype: ‘button‘,
									iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
									text: ‘T - Document as manager‘,
										handler: function () {
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, {
												position: ‘t‘,
												cls: ‘ux-notification-light‘,
												closable: false,
												title: ‘标题‘,
												autoCloseDelay: 3000,
												iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
												html: ‘Using document as manager. No title and closable: false. Entering from the t edge.‘
									xtype: ‘component‘,
									border: false,
									padding: 5
									xtype: ‘button‘,
									iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
									text: ‘TR - Animation‘,
										handler: function () {
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, {
												position: ‘tr‘,
												useXAxis: true,
												cls: ‘ux-notification-light‘,
												iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
												closable: false,
												title: ‘标题‘,
												html: ‘Using elasticIn animation effect. No title and closable: false.‘,
												slideInDuration: 800,
												slideBackDuration: 1500,
												autoCloseDelay: 3000,
												slideInAnimation: ‘elasticIn‘,
												slideBackAnimation: ‘elasticIn‘
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, {
												position: ‘tr‘,
												useXAxis: true,
												cls: ‘ux-notification-light‘,
												iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
												closable: false,
												title: ‘标题‘,
												html: ‘Using elasticIn animation effect. No title and closable: false.‘,
												slideInDuration: 800,
												slideBackDuration: 1500,
												slideInAnimation: ‘elasticIn‘,
												slideBackAnimation: ‘elasticIn‘
									xtype: ‘component‘,
									border: false,
									padding: 5
									xtype: ‘button‘,
									iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
									text: ‘TL - Variable size‘,
										handler: function () {
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, {
												title: ‘Notification‘,
												position: ‘tl‘,
												manager: ‘fullscreen‘,
												cls: ‘ux-notification-light‘,
												width: 250,
												height: 115,
												autoCloseDelay: 3000,
												iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
												html: ‘Using document as manager. Specifying width and height will override the css as long as the value is higher then the css value.‘
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, {
												title: ‘Notification‘,
												position: ‘tl‘,
												manager: ‘fullscreen‘,
												cls: ‘ux-notification-light‘,
												width: 200,
												height: 130,
												autoCloseDelay: 3000,
												iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
												html: ‘Using document as manager. Specifying width and height will override the css as long as the value is higher then the css value.‘
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, {
												title: ‘Notification‘,
												position: ‘tl‘,
												manager: ‘fullscreen‘,
												cls: ‘ux-notification-light‘,
												width: 300,
												height: 150,
												autoCloseDelay: 3000,
												iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
												html: ‘Using document as manager. Specifying width and height will override the css as long as the value is higher then the css value.‘
									xtype: ‘component‘,
									border: false,
									padding: 5
									xtype: ‘button‘,
									iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
									text: ‘TR - Animation‘,
										handler: function () {
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, {
												title: ‘Notification‘,
												position: ‘tr‘,
												manager: ‘instructions‘,
												cls: ‘ux-notification-light‘,
												iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
												html: ‘Using bounceOut/easeIn animation effect.‘,
												autoCloseDelay: 4000,
												slideBackDuration: 500,
												slideInAnimation: ‘bounceOut‘,
												slideBackAnimation: ‘easeIn‘
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, {
												title: ‘Notification‘,
												position: ‘tr‘,
												manager: ‘instructions‘,
												cls: ‘ux-notification-light‘,
												iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
												html: ‘Using bounceOut/easeIn animation effect.‘,
												slideBackDuration: 500,
												slideInAnimation: ‘bounceOut‘,
												slideBackAnimation: ‘easeIn‘
									xtype: ‘component‘,
									border: false,
									padding: 5
									xtype: ‘button‘,
									iconCls: ‘ux-notification-icon-information‘,
									text: ‘ALL - All possible combinations‘,
										handler: function () {
											var notificationConfig = {
												position: ‘tl‘,
												cls: ‘ux-notification-light‘,
												closable: false,
												html: ‘All positions‘,
												slideInAnimation: ‘bounceOut‘,
												slideBackAnimation: ‘easeIn‘
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, notificationConfig).show();
											notificationConfig.useXAxis = true;
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, notificationConfig).show();
											notificationConfig.position = ‘tr‘;
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, notificationConfig).show();
											notificationConfig.useXAxis = false;
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, notificationConfig).show();
											notificationConfig.position = ‘br‘;
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, notificationConfig).show();
											notificationConfig.useXAxis = true;
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, notificationConfig).show();
											notificationConfig.position = ‘bl‘;
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, notificationConfig).show();
											notificationConfig.useXAxis = false;
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, notificationConfig).show();
											notificationConfig.position = ‘t‘;
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, notificationConfig).show();
											notificationConfig.position = ‘r‘;
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, notificationConfig).show();
											notificationConfig.position = ‘b‘;
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, notificationConfig).show();
											notificationConfig.position = ‘l‘;
											Ext.create(‘widget.uxNotification‘, notificationConfig).show();







