- linux ssh以及dropbear
- Coursera Machine Learning 学习笔记(六)
- Coursera Machine Learning 学习笔记(七)
- Linux scp 报错Permission denied, please try again
- Coursera Machine Learning 学习笔记(九)
- Coursera Machine Learning 学习笔记(八)
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- mac上SVN项目管理,提示被锁定的解决方法
- Machine Learning - XI. Machine Learning System Design
- MyLinux Cookbook NO.2 2015/3/11
- Coursera Machine Learning 学习笔记(十)
- Maven、gradle、Ant、Eclipse IDE,ADT,intellij IDEA
- Coursera Machine Learning 学习笔记(十一)
- Coursera Machine Learning 学习笔记(十二)
- vim cheat sheet
- Machine Learning - XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)
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- Linux常用的基本命令06
- Machine Learning - XIII. Clustering (Week 8)
- IT人员必备技能之VMware部署Mini Centos6.5
- Machine Learning - XIV. Dimensionality Reduction降维
- node中调试子进程
- Machine Learning - XV. Anomaly Detection异常检测(Week 9)
- Linux grep,egrep及相应的正则表达式用法详解
- Machine Learning - XVI. Recommender Systems 推荐系统(Week 9)
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- Coursera Machine Learning 学习笔记(十三)
- Coursera Machine Learning 学习笔记(十四)
- Machine Learning - XVII. Large Scale Machine Learning大规模机器学习 (Week 10)
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- 在mac操作系统下,Intellij IDEA默认jdk版本的修改
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- 路由器上实现EasyVPN
- linux安装和查看lsb_release命令