html change 事件

The change event is fired for <input><select>, and <textarea> elements when a change to the element‘s value is committed by the user. Unlike the inputevent, the change event is not necessarily fired for each change to an element‘s value.



Depending on the kind of form element being changed and the way the user interacts with the element, the change event fires at a different moment:

  • When the element is activated (by clicking or using the keyboard) for <input type="radio"> and <input type="checkbox">;

  • When the user commits the change explicitly (e.g. by selecting a value from a <select>‘s dropdown with a mouse click, by selecting a date from a date picker for <input type="date">, by selecting a file in the file picker for <input type="file">, etc.);

  • When the element loses focus after its value was changed, but not commited (e.g. after editing the value of <textarea> or <input type="text">).

Different browsers do not always agree whether a change event should be fired for certain types of interaction. For example, keyboard navigation in <select>elements never fires a change event in Gecko until the user hits Enter or switches the focus away from the <select> (see bug 126379).



  • 对于<input type=‘radio‘>和<input type="checkbox">,元素激活时触发(通过点击或者键盘)

  • 用户明确提交更改(例如,鼠标点击选取select,从 <input type="date">选取日期,从<input type="file">选取文件)

  • 元素失去焦点时内容以改变,但并未提交(例如 <textarea> 或者 <input type="text">)也会触发、




