Magic in GFW & Anti-GFW, just in order to work on Android AOSP.

Ok, let me say, I‘m an Android BSP engineer in China Mainland.

And as you know, for the one who wants to get in close touch with or just for work, it‘s hardly possible.

This is a fxxxing bullshit, a really sad story and will still be no hope in it in the near, and maybe far future.

WTF? right? I‘m just the one wanting to work on Android AOSP. right?

The Magic is that GFW coud ban you, and Anti-GFW could allow you.


This is the world full of magic.


Ok, I and all know the pain well, but no other choices for us, if you still want to and could only stay in China Mainland.


1. goagent is needed in Windows, which setups a proxy for Windows machine.

2. select virtual machine to run Ubuntu, virtualbox or vmware machine, depending on your will. My choice virtualbox.

    virtualbox global perference: proxy should be set according to the addr:port provided by goagent in Windows.

3. in virtualbox/Ubuntu, a goagent is still needed,  before accessing the banned website or git,  run the goagent in virtualbox.

4. do what you want, like

    curl > ./bin/repo

    repo init -u -b android-5.0.0_r1

    repo sync -j4 -f


If it fails to work after its being used several times successfully,  the only thing you need to do is to change the iplist in proxy.[user.]ini

whether "user." is present in the file name, depend on the version of goagent.

For the details how to setup goagent, not covered in this snippet, please check out the website.


