(* * 1. repeat 死循环 *) set num to 0 display dialog num -- 最简单循环,是死循环 repeat set num to num + 1 display dialog num if num ≥ 10 then exit repeat end if end repeat
(* 2.限定次数的循环 repeat n times 其中n 可以是变量,可以是常量 *) -- 创建全局变量 num set num to 0 global num set n to 6 -- 限定循环n次 repeat n times run dialogScript end repeat -- 创建自定义脚本 script dialogScript set num to num + 1 display dialog num end script
(* 3.依次打印 0 ~ 9 *) set num to 0 -- 直到型循环 (* repeat until num ≥ 10 display dialog num set num to num + 1 end repeat *) -- 当型循环 repeat while num < 10 display dialog num set num to num + 1 end repeat
-- 变量循环 -- 优势:可以调整跨度,by num 可以省略,默认是 1 repeat with i from 0 to 10 by 3 display dialog i end repeat
-- List循环 set students to {"张三", "李四", "王五"} -- 注意这里的i是指针,想要获取内容要用 contents of i 取得 repeat with i in students display dialog contents of i set (contents of i) to "小明" end repeat display dialog "" & students