命令行界面下使用emca安装配置Oracle Database Control实战

作为命令行忠实用户,服务器端软件的运维都倾向于使用命令或 脚本完成,非常讨厌资源占用很大的GUI。Oracle数据库作为重要的服务器端软件,其安装运维自然也完全支持纯命令行方式,尽管同时提供了OUI这个GUI安装程序。至于纯命令行下静默安装Oracle11g,本人之前写过详细的博文,有需要的请参考之,博文地址http://blog.csdn.net/smstong/article/details/7352036。按照这篇博文安装的数据库完全可用。本文算是对前面这篇博文的一个补充,就是在数据库安装完成的基础上安装配置Oracle Enterprise Manager,使得管理员在厌倦单纯sqlplus的情况下,可以使用浏览器来管理Oracle数据库。

1 Oracle Enterprise Manager与Oracle Database Control


(1)Database Control


(2)Application Server Control


(3)Grid Control

Grid Control可以管理多个数据库和应用服务器,还可以管理计算机节点,支持通过第三方插件管理第三方产品。

在Oracle9i以及之前,OEM是以C/S架构出现的,从10g开始,使用B/S架构,使得管理员无需安装客户端即可直接通过浏览器进行管理。本文专注于Database Control这个工具,Database Control无需单独安装,在安装oracle的时候,它是自动一起安装的,但是必须经过仔细的配置才能使用。

2 Oracle Database Control 目录结构与工作原理


2.1 目录结构

Database Control在10g和11g中的目录结构有细微差异,本文以11g为基础说明。

在安装完oracle 11g之后,$ORACLE_HOME目录下会有专门为Database Control提供服务的目录,如上图所示。其中oc4j是oracle container for j2ee的缩写,是oracle专用的j2ee容器与tomcat类似。

2.2 工作原理

从本质上说,Database Control本身就是一个j2EE应用,只是这个应用的功能很单一,就是管理Oracle数据库。它运行在oracle为其定制的j2EE容器中,使用其管理的oracle数据库来存放自身数据,使用代理进程来收集数据库之外的系统信息。

单纯从程序角度来说,Database Control其实本身与其管理的oracle数据库(称之为目标数据库)并无关联,完全可以使用单独的数据库(如单独的oracle数据库或者mysql数据库)来存放自身数据,也可以运行在单独机器的符合j2EE标准的容器中(如Tomcat)。但是Oracle公司考虑到效率和配置,为其定制了专门的容器,并且本身使用目标数据库来存放管理数据,而且运行在目标数据库实例所在的机器上。

Database Control的工作原理如下图所示。

Database Control自身使用的管理数据都存放到SYSMAN这个模式下。

了解了工作原理,其配置就容易理解了。与部署其他的j2EE程序一样,需要从数据和程序文件两个方面进行。从本质上说,所有这些操作都可以通过手工来一一完成,但是无论是建立大量的配置文件还是创建大量的数据表,纯手工方式都会很低效,也容易出错。所以Oracle公司为部署Database Control提供了专门的工具软件。

如果使用OUI来安装Oracle可以在安装阶段配置Database Control,在安装完成后还可以通过DBCA来配置,这些都是好用的GUI工具,但是本文的目的是在纯命令行下进行配置,所以上述方式不可用。

为了应对命令行模式下的配置,ORACLE公司为Database Control专门提供了配置助手emca(Enterprise manager Configuration Assistant)。

3 使用EMCA配置Database Control

3.1 配置数据

使用的命令是: emca -repos create

它的作用是为Database Control在数据库中创建必要的用户(模式)(sysman, dbsnmp等)和模式对象(存储过程,表,索引等等)。emca本身是一个脚本文件,最终调用的是java程序来完成实际的工作。由于在创建对象的过程中,需要以sysman用户身份调用Oracle数据库提供的一些函数或过程,所以必须要确保sysman拥有相关的权限。这也是配置中通常会出问题的地方。


那么到底需要赋予sysman那些权限呢?答案是很多。我的方法是,首先运行emca,如果权限有问题emca就会爆粗,然后根据错误日志找到缺少的权限,之后把这个权限赋给public,然后emca -repos recreate。


[oracle@db001 ~]$ emca -repos recreate;

STARTED EMCA at Jul 10, 2014 4:18:24 PM
EM Configuration Assistant, Version Production
Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter the following information:
Database SID: xgdb
Listener port number: 1521
Password for SYS user:
Password for SYSMAN user:
Password for SYSMAN user:
Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: y
Jul 10, 2014 4:18:37 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform
INFO: This operation is being logged at /oracle/cfgtoollogs/emca/xgdb/emca_2014_07_10_16_18_24.log.
Jul 10, 2014 4:18:37 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
INFO: Dropping the EM repository (this may take a while) ...
Jul 10, 2014 4:19:44 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
INFO: Repository successfully dropped
Jul 10, 2014 4:19:44 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig createRepository
INFO: Creating the EM repository (this may take a while) ...
Jul 10, 2014 4:21:53 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
SEVERE: Error creating the repository
Jul 10, 2014 4:21:53 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
INFO: Refer to the log file at /oracle/cfgtoollogs/emca/xgdb/emca_repos_create_<date>.log for more details.
Jul 10, 2014 4:21:53 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform
SEVERE: Error creating the repository
Refer to the log file at /oracle/cfgtoollogs/emca/xgdb/emca_2014_07_10_16_18_24.log for more details.
Could not complete the configuration. Refer to the log file at /oracle/cfgtoollogs/emca/xgdb/emca_2014_07_10_16_18_24.log for more details.


313 Jul 10, 2014 4:19:44 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig createRepository
314 CONFIG: Spooling to /oracle/cfgtoollogs/emca/xgdb/emca_repos_create_2014_07_10_16_19_44.log
315 Jul 10, 2014 4:19:44 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig createRepository
316 INFO: Creating the EM repository (this may take a while) ...
317 Jul 10, 2014 4:21:53 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig createRepository
318 CONFIG: ORA-04063: package body "SYSMAN.MGMT_LOGIN_ASSISTANT" has errors
319 ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called:

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Commit complete.

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04063: package body "SYSMAN.MGMT_LOGIN_ASSISTANT" has errors
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called:


执行 SQL> alter package mgmt_login_assistant compile body;


SQL> show errors;

显示 函数ENCRYPT invalid。


SQL> alter function encrypt compile;

Warning: Function altered with compilation errors.

SQL> show errors;
9/5      PL/SQL: Statement ignored
10/22    PLS-00201: identifier ‘SYS.UTL_I18N‘ must be declared



SQL>  grant execute on UTL_I18N to public;

Grant succeeded.



然后退出sql,重新执行 emca -repos recreate。如果还是报错,请按照上面查找问题的思路解决问题,直到成功。

[oracle@db001 ~]$ emca -repos recreate;

STARTED EMCA at Jul 10, 2014 4:37:11 PM
EM Configuration Assistant, Version Production
Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter the following information:
Database SID: xgdb
Listener port number: 1521
Password for SYS user:
Password for SYSMAN user:

Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: y
Jul 10, 2014 4:37:24 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform
INFO: This operation is being logged at /oracle/cfgtoollogs/emca/xgdb/emca_2014_07_10_16_37_11.log.
Jul 10, 2014 4:37:25 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
INFO: Dropping the EM repository (this may take a while) ...
Jul 10, 2014 4:38:28 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
INFO: Repository successfully dropped
Jul 10, 2014 4:38:29 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig createRepository
INFO: Creating the EM repository (this may take a while) ...
Jul 10, 2014 4:42:47 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
INFO: Repository successfully created
Enterprise Manager configuration completed successfully
FINISHED EMCA at Jul 10, 2014 4:42:47 PM

3.2 配置文件布局

使用emca -config dbcontrol db命令来创建必要的配置文件。这个操作一般不会出错,注意填正确各个账户的密码就可以了。

[oracle@db001 ~]$ emca -config dbcontrol db

STARTED EMCA at Jul 10, 2014 4:47:43 PM
EM Configuration Assistant, Version Production
Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter the following information:
Database SID: xgdb
Listener port number: 1521
Listener ORACLE_HOME [ /oracle/11.2.0 ]:
Password for SYS user:
Password for DBSNMP user:
Password for SYSMAN user:
Email address for notifications (optional):
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server for notifications (optional):

You have specified the following settings

Database ORACLE_HOME ................ /oracle/11.2.0

Local hostname ................ localhost
Listener ORACLE_HOME ................ /oracle/11.2.0
Listener port number ................ 1521
Database SID ................ xgdb
Email address for notifications ...............
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server for notifications ...............

Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: y
Jul 10, 2014 4:48:05 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform
INFO: This operation is being logged at /oracle/cfgtoollogs/emca/xgdb/emca_2014_07_10_16_47_43.log.
Jul 10, 2014 4:48:08 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig uploadConfigDataToRepository
INFO: Uploading configuration data to EM repository (this may take a while) ...
Jul 10, 2014 4:49:06 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
INFO: Uploaded configuration data successfully
Jul 10, 2014 4:49:08 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil configureSoftwareLib
INFO: Software library configured successfully.
Jul 10, 2014 4:49:08 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig configureSoftwareLibrary
INFO: Deploying Provisioning archives ...
Jul 10, 2014 4:49:34 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig configureSoftwareLibrary
INFO: Provisioning archives deployed successfully.
Jul 10, 2014 4:49:34 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil secureDBConsole
INFO: Securing Database Control (this may take a while) ...
Jul 10, 2014 4:50:11 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil secureDBConsole
INFO: Database Control secured successfully.
Jul 10, 2014 4:50:11 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil startOMS
INFO: Starting Database Control (this may take a while) ...
Jul 10, 2014 4:50:29 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig performConfiguration
INFO: Database Control started successfully
Jul 10, 2014 4:50:29 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig performConfiguration
INFO: >>>>>>>>>>> The Database Control URL is https://localhost:1158/em <<<<<<<<<<<
Jul 10, 2014 4:50:34 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig invoke
************************  WARNING  ************************

Management Repository has been placed in secure mode wherein Enterprise Manager data will be encrypted.  The encryption key has been placed in the file: 

/oracle/11.2.0/localhost_xgdb/sysman/config/emkey.ora.   Please ensure this file is backed up as the encrypted data will become unusable if this file is lost.

Enterprise Manager configuration completed successfully
FINISHED EMCA at Jul 10, 2014 4:50:34 PM

4 浏览器访问Database Control

上面配置以后,Database Control已经自动启动了。可以使用emctl status dbconsole查看状态。
[oracle@db001 ~]$ emctl status dbconsole;
Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2009 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g is running.
Logs are generated in directory /oracle/11.2.0/localhost_xgdb/sysman/log
[oracle@db001 ~]$

可以使用emctl stop dbconsole 停止Database Control。
可以使用emctl start dbconsole 启动Database Control。

[oracle@db001 ~]$ emctl stop dbconsole
Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2009 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Stopping Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control ...
 ...  Stopped.
[oracle@db001 ~]$ emctl start dbconsole
Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2009 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control ........ started.
Logs are generated in directory /oracle/11.2.0/localhost_xgdb/sysman/log

确保Database Conrol启动后,使用浏览器访问:https://IP:1158/em即可。

命令行界面下使用emca安装配置Oracle Database Control实战,古老的榕树,5-wow.com
